champagne problems

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this one shot is loosely based on 'champagne problems' by taylor swift.


luke sat on the train alone, eyes bloodshot from crying. he'd broken someone's heart, someone he loved dearly.

michael had bought a beautiful ring, organised the perfect proposal, only to be turned down by the beautiful blonde.

what michael didn't know was that luke wanted to say yes, but he was scared. he was scared of true commitment, something that bonded them for the rest of their lives.

he'd been sat down on the train for around 15 minutes before he stepped off on main street, stumbling towards a random off-license store to pick up a bottle of champagne.

whilst he was never usually one to drink the fancy beverage, it was a time he was supposed to be celebrating. he was supposed to be engaged, and whilst he couldn't enjoy that, he could enjoy spending the last $30 dollars in his bank account on a drink that he couldn't afford.

how could he ever speak to michael again? how was michael feeling?

luke pulled his phone out of his pocket once he'd paid and left the store, only to be met with 27 missed calls from ashton.

he swiped to call back the hazel-eyed man who quickly picked up the phone, much to luke's surprise. ashton was never usually one to answer quickly.

"where the hell are you?" ashton instantly questioned. he must've heard about the failed proposal from calum.

"walking to my apartment now. i'll be there in around 5 minutes. chillax, ash. i'm fine.." the truth was, luke wasn't fine. he still felt absolutely dreadful and was on the verge of tears, yet again.

"i'm driving there now. see you." ashton quickly hung up before the other man on the line could protest.


luke unlocked his apartment door and walked to his kitchen, not bothered to take off his shoes. he placed his champagne bottle on the kitchen counter before popping it open, then drinking it straight from
the bottle.

he cringed at the bitter taste of the liquid, yet still continued to drink it.

"lu!" ashton yelled after slamming the door shut and storming into the kitchen, only to see his best friend sat on the floor in tears, a half-empty bottle of champagne in his hand.

the smaller of the two dropped to the floor and comforted the man, who hugged back and cried into the shoulder of his friend.

"i didn't mean to-... i didn't want to hurt him ash. i mean it. i just... i love him so fucking much and now i've ruined everything!" he cried and cried.

"shhh. it's okay. you can still fix things, lu. no problem can't be solved, there always a resolution.."

"and in this case, it's a bottle of champagne to drown my sorrows. he'll never love me again."

"of course he will, darling. just give it some time." ashton smiled hopefully.


3 months later...

luke parked his car up in the driveway before making his way to the door of his ex. he still had the spare key, but thought it would be quite strange to use it considering they weren't necessarily on speaking terms.

he knocked lightly, knowing that there was no going back now. he had to face michael.

the door opened.

"no, i'm not buying any more of your cookies-" the fluffy pink-haired man sighed, only to cut himself off after seeing who was there.

luke hemmings, in all of his glory.

luke hemmings, who ran away from the ring.

luke hemmings, who was now crying on his doorstep.

"m-mikey.. i'm so- i'm so fucking sorry. i'm sorry.." he repeated the words over again, until the green-eyed ex lover ran to him and held the run away tightly in his arms.

"no, no.. i'm sorry. i shouldn't have just sprung it up on you like that. i should know you better than anyone, luke, and i know you're scared to commit. i remember how scared you were when i asked you to become my boyfriend. i should've been more careful, and i wasn't." tears had sprung from michael's eyes.

"you're the love of my life michael, and i know that now. you have nothing to be sorry for. i shouldn't have left you like that. you had a heart of glass and i dropped it." luke pulled out of the older man's arms, holding his face in his hands.

"if the offer is still standing, then i would be more than happy to-" he was cut off by the feeling of lips on his. specifically, michael's lips.

"yes, of course it is. i want to marry you, love. i've never been more sure of anything in my life."


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