Fragile things

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I turned towards my friends who mirrored my worried expression, I slowly got up from the mattress and headed downstairs.

It was so dark I needed to use a flashlight to find the light switch, how did I not realise that it got so dark?, I should've turned on the hallway lights before cause right now I'm blind as a bat.

Finally making it to the kitchen with a tiny flashlight i look around and see the light switch and go to turn it on but it doesn't. i shine a light at the back door to see it locked still, the sound must've come from outside, I shine the torch through the window and see one of the glass vases fallen from the table outside, ill clean uptake mess tomorrow when its brighter. Just then the back up generator turns.

I double check all the locks and head upstairs,

"Hey can u guys put on the news for a sec, i want to see if theres any news about a blackout in our block."

"Yea sure, what was that noise though?" Jemma asked as she switched the channels.

"Just a vase with flowers that my mum put out yesterday, i told her the wind might make it fall. Anyways ill clean it up tomorrow."

"Guys, i think the blackout is the least of our problems, look!" Em stated in fear as she pointed to the TV.

"Breaking news, there's been a Breakout at The Werribee Mental Institution, there is a current manhunt out for patient named Jesse Cooper who was admitted for murdering his family and a quarter population of his school, authorities say that he killed seven orderlies and is at large near the areas of Hoppers Crossing and Tarneit so if anyone lives near these areas, please lock your doors and remain indoors for the safety for yourself and others." The news cast suddenly cuts out and an eerie silence surrounds us as we look around the house in paranoia, we are smack in the middle of this whole situation. Damn it the back up generator got busted, we haven't used it in a while.

"Hey its gonna be ok, we just gotta take some extra precautions, that's all" Jemma said hopefully, trying to calm everyone down.

"O-Ok um, emily you go and barricade the backdoor with anything you can find, Jemma you do the same with the front door and ill make sure all the windows are locked and secure, we're gonna be fine, what are the chances that we actually encounter a serial killer?" i laughed the situation off with fear still deeply imbedded in my heart, i was panicking but had to keep my shit together, i got this, its all gonna be ok.


"Ok thats the last of it, I'm done with the front door, Jemma's done with the backdoor and we just got wait it out, Wareesha keep 000 on speed dial just in case" (AN; 000 is the 911 for australians)

"We should keep quiet and make it seem as if the house is empty as to not be spotted, I'm gonna text me parents." i quickly went to grab my phone from my bedside table.

"What the hell, how are there no bars, i swear I've always had at least 3 bars on my phone at home." i was so confused, what the hell is going on.

"Try your house wifi, text them on messenger." Jemma says going on her phone now too.

"No luck there either i already tried, you wifi is out girl, where is you wifi modem?" Em asked hoping to fix the problem and get the internet back.

" uhhh its outside, dad didn't like it inside the house, i don't know just a dad thing i guess."

" Lets just wait to out, i don't know about you girls but its 10 pm and I'm sleepy, i didn't get any sleep last night, just sleep it out and the next morning everything will seem like a bad dream." Jemma went towards the bed and started to doze off.

" I guess we should sleep, house is locked up and no ones getting in, but just incase ill keep watch will you and Jem sleep." I drank some water and sat on my desk chair while looking outside my window for anything suspicious.



I jolt awake as i hear someone banging on the front door, as i walk down the stairs i can hear a guy yelling;


I immediately go to open the door but get stopped my Jemma.

"WAIT, stop this could be a trap, we don't know that person, for all we know it could be that guy on the news, don't take that risk."

"But what if its someone who genuinely needs our and its our fault that he ends up dead" I can't just leave him out there.

The banging continues, i try to reach for the door again but get stopped by emily this time.

"Asses the risks, one life over three lives, we are risking our lives if we do this, you can't help him, I'm sorry but i want to live, i can't let you open this door."

Suddenly the banging stops, everyone goes quiet.

Then theres a loud menacing laugh that scares the living shit out of me and then it stops altogether...

A knife scraping against the glass windows makes me cover my ears to the uncomfortable sound.

"Here little piggies, let me in, or ill huff and ill puff and ill rip your guts out" A deep deranged voice lets out.

He knows we're inside and he's not gonna spare anyone...

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