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A single moment of silence, silence before the storm. No one dared to breathe, move or even blink. I slowly retracted my hand from the door knob and stepped away, not making a single noise, facing my two best friends, who mirrored my terrified expression. We quietly ascended up the stairs to keep our presence as unknown as possible. 

There was another loud band at the window and then deafening silence. My brain was coming up with multiple escape plans and calculating the risks and rewards hoping for a successful idea to get us out of this mess. Although its harder to think of an escaper plan with two other teenagers freaking out right next to your ear. 

"Be quiet! I'm trying to think, so thankfully we took those extra precautions by the windows and doors, but we wont last the night now that we know that he wants to hang our intestines like christmas decorations." I whisper yelled trying to calm down.

"How do you expect us to calm down when theres a deranged psycho outside wanting to end us" Jemma replied hyperventilating. 


Jesse's POV  (that morning)

Another day of boring therapy sessions, disgusting and annoying medicines being shoved into my body while being monitored by a bunch of pussy doctors who are too afraid to look me in the eyes. 

I was sitting on this shitty creaking bed when a nurse i'd never seen before walks in to give me my morning meds, how innocent, she really doesn't know how much she fucked up by applying for a job at this place. Considering i killed my last nurse with my bare hands, the bitch would never stop talking or flirting with me, i don't need these bitches drooling all over me, it's disgusting. And this one probably wouldn't be any different.

I've been in this shit hole for 5 years, five fucking years and i've vowed to make all these fuckers pay for the stupid electroshock therapies and tranquillisers, they will pay, oh yes, i will make this hospital run red with the blood of its doctors and nurses, anyone that crosses my path.

During my murderous rant, the nurse brings all my meds and a clipboard for the daily bullshit questions about my mental health, they know I'm beyond repair and still these idiots keep trying to get me to open up. 

"Hello Mr Cooper, I'm Nurse Hawks and ill be bringing you your medications from now on." She said in the most quietest voice hoping to not trigger me, what a dumbass, she really is new to this. I just glared at her, burning holes into her skull with my eyes.

"Uhm, ok then. How are you doing today, any violent tendencies, any side effects from the medications, discomfort during sleep or loss of appetite?" she asked waiting for my answer, all she'd ever get back is a deathly glare, I'm so sick of these fuckers, the don't know anything about me or what goes on in my head, diagnosing me with bullshit like antisocial personality disorder as a "sociopath", i might be one but i'm not telling these idiots shit. 

The most ridiculous diagnoses so far is major depression resulting from childhood trauma, total bullshit and last but not least, borderline personality disorder because my lack of sympathy and ability to understand other people emotions, why the fuck i should give a shit about anyone else, they're all the same, selfish, sinful beings who have nothing but greed in their hearts which is why its so easy for me carve out their useless organs and revel in the look of pure terror as they know that I'm the one ending their life as they lay there helpless, spending their last moments in the world, cold, alone and absolutely terrified, nothing beats the satisfaction of that sight. 

After not receiving any answers she starts to head out but i call out to her, to begin the first stage in my escape plan.

"What's your name?"

Shocked, she turns around and reluctantly answers.

"I already told you Mr Cooper"

"No, what's your first name?"

"uh, i don't really thing appropriate---"

"Just answer the question" i say in a low, threatening voice.

"I uh, its um....Claire"

'I'll see you later, Claire" I watched as she quickly heads towards the door, hastily unlocking the door with her key card and walks off in a  hurry, i just smirk, I'm gonna enjoy carving her up.

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