Chapter 8 - Phoenix

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(Disclaimer - swearing, and that's about all)

You were pissed, but then again they were probably just scared of what you could do. You waited a little bit and thought about what you were about to do.

The race was about to commence. Three laps, 3,000 meters to run, pace him and stay calm.

A horn sounded in the distance and a bunch of men pulled a rope next to the shoot making the gates fly open.

As soon as you had him take off and you hoped on you came back down to the ground. He has bucked you off. Winded but not to bad you quickly raced over to him. He was bucking and kicking at the saddle straps.

You quickly unhooked the straps and jumped back on his back. The other racers were already around the first bend. He bucked for a little bit but once you let go of the pressure on the reins and you kicked his flank, boy did he run.

He sped off getting closer and closer to the fence. The other racers were almost to the next bend, but they still had 3 laps, just like you, you just had to keep it that way.

Riding bareback was easy for you, you were practically trained without a saddle your whole life and when you did get one, there was no getting you down unless someone drug you off.

You then remembered seeing the rules of the race on a plaque right next to the entrance of the race. It never said anything about using your powers, you weren't going to use them yet, but you might on the final lap.

As he treaded along you could feel his muscles and his up taped power. He was like a running machine, but you knew even machines ran out of gas. You pulled him back a little as they finally rounded the bend. You were probably 500 meters away from them still.

Lap two was a little better, he was pacing himself but allowing his stride to do all the work. We were caught up with the pack but we were dead last.

Around second bend of the second lap you started to pass a few people and when you passed the ninth he tried to shove you off. You tipped to the side and used your legs to hold on to his body and you grabbed ahold of his mane.

"Shit, shit, shit!" You said fast as you tried to pull yourself up. You were being blocked in. They were going to tear you off your horse the moment they got close. You then let go of the reins and the pressure with it. He sped off and away from the two people trying to sabotage my run. After you got him back to a pace you pulled yourself up and away from danger.

"We got this bud, just eight more to go and we are on the last lap." You said to him as you started to turn the first corner of the third lap. You just had to keep him going for the finish, he was getting tired but you had a secret weapon. Your powers.

You weaved through a few more riders but when you finally got to fourth they were speeding off, you then took your hands and placed them on his shoulders. You let your power run from you to him, letting the fire course through his blood, letting it heal his stamina and speed.

"Come on, show em!" You yelled before he sped off.

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