Chapter 11 - Phoenix

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Disclaimer- cursing, that's about all.

You slowly started to wake up to the sound of the sheets next to you rustling around. The sunrise was barely starting as Heimdall had gotten out of bed.

You leaned forward and stretched out while he finished putting on his armor.

"Good morning." He said before standing up and lending his hand out to you. You took it and got out of bed.

"I must go back to the Bifrost, help yourself to anything you may need before you leave. Your team is also looking for you." He finished, kissing you quickly before walking over to the door.

"Bye." You said quietly as you waved to him. He just smile a goodbye before closing the door.

You tried to walk over to grab your suit but your legs still felt like jello. You at least had to take a bath though, so you walked over to the bathroom the best you could and turned the water on. You rested your legs on the side of the tub as it filled with water.

Thoughts swarmed your head about that night the O'Driscolls took you. You gently placed your hand in the water to calm the tingling, warm feeling in your hand. You were safe now, nothing could hurt you.

When the tub filled up you turned off the water and gently slipped inside. The hot water surrounding you, calming you. You closed your eyes for a little bit letting the water loosen all of your muscles. You then slid your head down into the water before coming right back out of it. You raked your hand through your wet hair as you contemplated some things.

Why were you having dreams about the Witches Caldron? Why was it important? What did you do...

You shook it off as you were still a little tired and a little hungover from last night. Then the events from last night came back to you. No wonder you were sore, but surely your body would have had it healed by now.

After a few more minutes of thinking you heard a knock on the door. Ohh, what now?

"Y/n, Y/n I know your in there." Natasha called from the door in the bedroom.

"Just a second." You called back as you carefully tried to get out of the bath without falling flat on your face. You drained the water, dried your hair, then used your fire to destroy the old suit and create a new one.

You opened the door and walked out a few minutes later to find Natasha, Wanda, and Clint. Your jaw kind of dropped when you seen them but it was internally. You kept a pretty straight face around them.

"Isn't that Heimdall's room." Thor called from down the hall with a smirk. You flipped him off which made him laugh a little and walk past the hall and keep going on his way.

"I thought we were supposed to leave last night." You recalled as you rubbed your head.

"Yea, but then we couldn't find you so we assumed you were tired and 'going to sleep'." Clint said making quotation marks with his hands. You glared at him before Natasha pulled at your arm as she made you walk with them. The bath helped a little but not a lot, you were still walking on some unsure footing.

"What's the big rush again?" You asked her as you all sped down the halls to where the others were.

"Our job, hello." She said making your question sound kind of dumb. You just didn't answer her as you all walked.

Then the rest of the team came into view, they were standing right at the gates of the palace about to walk out. You joined them as you all stepped outside. The air was refreshing to you as the gentle wind blew around you. The sun was a little overwhelming for being stuck in a mostly dark castle for a while, but you got used to it.

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