Chapter 13

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Note: Sorry for the consecutive bridge chapters. I've been swamped with work.

It turns out, Karla was still very interested in Alex's input on a bill she, her department, and a few congressmen were drafting. Alex didn't really give a shit, but then she said that she would promise to get his name on the bill as a co-author; that, Alex did give a shit about. So, she emailed Alex the information on where the meetings for writing the bill were taking place, and the contents of the bill itself. I should call Henry and ask if he's comfortable with me writing a bill with her. So, Alex calls Henry again, just twenty minutes after the first call. Ring.




No answer. Again.

Alex, growing increasingly furious with Henry's ignorance toward him, agreed to help write the bill without Henry's stamp of approval, but also without Henry's veto.


Subject: The Ringer Education Bill to Electrify Learning of 2021 (REBEL)

To: Alex Claremont-Diaz 2/14/21 2:46 PM

Here's the information on the bill. Yes, you will be designated as a co-author as you requested. Meeting location info at the top, bill brainstorming in the middle, drafts are towards the bottom. DO NOT SHARE WITH ANYONE EXCEPT YOUR MOTHER OR CABINET SECRETARIES. Plz.

PS: Do not tell the press any specifics of the bill, that you're co-authoring it with me and Congressmen Yankert and Senator Warren.

Thanks, Sec. Ringer :)

REBEL 2021 info (link)


Re: The Ringer Education Bill to Electrify Learning of 2021 (REBEL)

To: Secretary Karla Ringer

Thanks. By the way, you better not have come up with the name for the bill. Because that would be pretentious as all hell. If anything, shouldn't it be the 'Claremont Education Bill to Electrify Voting'? She's the bitch signing it into law. Also, the drafts look good- except for the part that no Republican will vote on it. We have the House locked down, but the Senate has this thing called the filibuster that'll fuck us in the ass.



Alex glazes over the almost 30 pages of brainstorming from the docs that Karla had sent, and feels oddly guilty about Henry not knowing about this. He would have to understand I'm not doing this to be with Karla, or to spite him, Alex thinks. I'm doing this to help out the Education Department and to build experience. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a congressional wannabe. He has to understand. Also, he didn't even pick up the phone. He gave me no chance to ask his permission.

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