Chapter 2

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While working on the dance with A-Troupe Alyssa and everyone could feel the tension. Riley was out to get her braces off and Michelle was still in Wisconsin. Once they finished dancing they went into three groups. Alyssa, Shantel, and Max were one group all of the Elites who did not feel like they fit on the team.

Giselle, West, Eldon, Chloe, Talia, and Amanda were another group. The OGs who wanted there old team back.

Finally Noah was just by himself. A Next Step dancers that was not on the original team.

"Guys this is not going to work," Alyssa called out after a few moments.

"What do you mean," Shantel asked.

"There is no way we are going to win internationals with all this tension," Alyssa said.

"She's right I can see the tension in your auras," Phoebe said.

"So what do you think we should do," Chloe asked.

"I will pair each Ex-Elite member up with someone they may have something in common with. That person will give them a tour and get them used to the next step, then another A-Trouper will create a duet for the pair," Phoebe said as she lined them up.

"Alyssa how old are you," Phoebe asked.

"I'm 15," She told her.

"Noah how old are you," Phoebe asked. Alyssa thought Phoebe was trying to figure out the weakest dancer and she was not happy about that.

"16 why," Noah asked.

"You two are the youngest I am pairing you two up," Phoebe said. Both Noah and Alyssa shrugged and walked over to the side happy with there partner.

"Giselle and Shantel you both can do Acro your a pair," Phoebe said and one girl looked happier then the other. I bet you can guess (Giselle).

"West and Max you have high jumps be the final pair," Phoebe said. Now Thalia, Amanda, Eldon, and Chloe remain.

"Amanda and Thalia you are with Alyssa and Noah. Eldon with Max and West, and Chloe with Giselle and Shantel," Phoebe said.

"Talk to your groups about when and where you will meet, have them done by the end of the day," Phoebe said as the groups spilt up and she went to the office.

"So when do you all want to meet," Alyssa asked.

"How about 1;00 in Studio-A give us two hours to work on it," Thalia said and they all agreed as Noah and Alyssa went to start the tour.


After they had finished the tour Noah and Alyssa had time to kill so they went to Hildagos. They both easily became quick friends and were laughing right then.

"So I have a question," Noah asked Alyssa.

"Ask away," She told him.

"At the additions, you were a little quiet and stand-offish. But you are nothing like that here," Noah asked.

"Oh that, I call it my Elite mode I do as I am told and don't speak but have the cocky outside," Alyssa told him. As he shook his head in understanding.

"We have fifteen minutes till we meet Amanda and Thalia. Do you want to go warm up on studio A," Noah asked?

"Sure let's go," Alyssa said as they left the shop.


Noah and Alyssa were about to show Kate and Pheobe the dance Amanda and Thalia had choreographed.

As they danced the two older A-troupers and two Adults were loving how the chemistry was showed and the way they used there technque.

"That was amazing guys! You work so well together you get the rest of the day off," Miss Kate told the two of them. Phoebe congratulate them as she and Kate went to the office.

"Amazing work guys," Amanda told them.

"Yeah you guys make great duet partners," Thalia told them and Alyssa and Noah left studio A.

"Just me or would they make a good couple," Amanda asked Thalia.

"Not just you the whole team thinks that," Thalia said.

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