Chapter 7

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Hope you guys enjoy! Please tell me what you think!


Tony was done being the person who brushed feelings aside to get back to work. Ever since he had gotten to know Peter, really gotten to know him, he had decided then and there that he would be the perfect role model for him, even if that meant getting to sleep on time, not drinking when he was around(which was a lot so he kind of clarifies as sober now), trying not to stress over every single thing, and being the overprotective parent because Peter had the same self-sacrificing thing he did and even a more terrible guilt complex. It astounded him how much they were alike, the brain, the jokes, the moments they spent together. 

But it also felt like they were completely different.

Peter was a teenager who grew up in poverty, still trying to make it through high school while balancing his gig as Spider-Man. 

Tony was a grown adult (although Peter and Pepper loved to remind him of how childish he sounded sometimes) who was born as the son of a billionaire and took over his company at 21.

Peter was kind and sweet, optimistic and just an amazing person overall.

Tony is still trying not to hurt people, trying not to dig a deeper hole, trying to make sure he doesn't die...

So the scream was enough for him to know Peter wasn't safe.

He ended the call not a second later.

"Rhodes!" He shouted into the never ending hallways, wishing a head would pop out from somewhere. 

Sure enough, Rhodey had popped his head out the moment he had heard Tony yell.

"Tony, what's going on-"

"Suit up. Peter's trapped and the Avengers are no help and we don't have much time and I'm going to wish they never came back if Peter gets hurt-"

"Woah Tony. Slow down. It's alright. We'll get Peter and you can give them more paperwork. But for now, you need to breathe," Rhodey said, placing a hand on Tony's shoulder.

Tony deflated almost instantly, the touch grounding him. He forgot how much he relied on Peter not to spiral out of control.

"The coordinates are in F.R.I.D.A.Y. She'll send them to you when you log into your suit."

"Okay," Rhodey responded already dashing down the hall. "But Tony?"

Tony whipped around, concern and sympathy dancing in his friend's eyes.

"Just don't yell at them. The kid might-"

"I know. Save it for later."

Rhodey nodded and continued to run towards where he kept his suit.

He continued walking fast until he was close to the balcony, his suit coming behind him and closing him in. The lights of Manhattan, New York seemed to shine like stars among the darkness of the night. He sees Rhodey's name pop up on the screen in front of him, and then they're both shooting through the sky, thrusters on full power as he follows the blinking red dot, Peter's signal, until he comes across a warehouse.

At least, what used to be a warehouse because now it's almost 10 stories smaller, rocks and debris still crumbling onto the ground.

Rhodes shoots down to the base of the toppled building, landing with a loud thump into the concrete beside the Avengers. Tony seems to come down slower, time coming to stop while his heart continued to beat faster.

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