chapter 1

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For anyone wondering I'm not continuing this story anymore but one of my friend wanted to read it so I left it here.
                                                                            Y/N POV

¨hey Tommy come on, you cant even touch me.¨ I said while dodging every hit Tommy swing at me, i've been in l' manberg for almost a year now, but i never actually fought or seen dream since i decide it is better if dream dont know im here until the war so i've been  hidden for most of the time.

i started to train ever since i was 3 (yes deal with it you can fight at 3 lol) and have been wilbur's best friend for year's now, i was there when he created l'manberg but no one saw me.

                                                                          DREAM POV

I was sharpening my axe when Sapnap came back ¨ Dream! they didn't have white flag outside l'manberg! and also-¨ Sapnap said. ¨-alright get ready for war Sapnap and George!¨  i said before Sapnap finish talking, and Sapnap said again: ¨ Dream i was saying that they-¨ but he was cut off by George ¨ ok Dream im coming! give me a few minute.¨


someone is helping l'manberg?

¨Sapnap what is their name? i dont think i have seen anyone else in l'manberg.¨

¨ her name is Y/N, and she is very good with sword i think.¨(srry but ur a she/her)


¨Wilbur you have one last chance to surrender before you guys die!¨

¨we will never surrender Dream, we want independent or death!¨

And the war begin.

                                                                     Y/N POV

¨we will never surrender Dream, we want independent or death!¨

and war begin.

i saw Dream, which i think is the smiley mask guy.

Dream and the other started shooting arrow down at us, and Wilbur shouted"dream get down here and fight us!" but then the ground started to explode so we decided to go into Tommy's old home and start shooting at them.

"retreat!" Dream shouted

"fire on them! we have the high ground!" wilbur said

"they are going to punk's tower! we need to go to punz's tower, it is the same height!"

i said while we are going "wait it could be a trap, we should stay here since they didn't go up."

then we start shooting arrow at them, i hit most of my shot, while dream's team is missing since we are higher then them.

Tommy said"they retreated!" "good job guys we made them retreat."

"i have a secret weapon in l'manberg let go guys." Eret said. i never really trusted Eret, since he is always outside in the night and without us knowing.

we followed Eret to a tunnel which lead to a Blackstone room. Eret said "this is the final control room." everyone opened their chest and found it empty, everyone looked at Eret" why is this empty, Eret?" but Tommy is more focused on the button on the floor, i told Tommy to not press it but it was too late, he already pressed the button.

the wall opened and dream, George, Sapnap, is all there with full netherite armor and coming toward us. wilbur shouted "a TRAITOR!" and we all start fightning i was fighting dream while Tommy and Tubbo fight Sapnap and Wilbur and Fundy is fighting George.

i dodged dream's hit and aimed for his leg, which he blocked with his shield. i kicked his shield which got him off balance and i knock him over with my sword in front of his neck.

i heard Tommy shout and i saw his arm bleeding from a cut, "Tommy!" you were going to help him but you heard dream move and when you turn around he hit you in the leg with his axe and kicked you on the floor, and Sapnap and George defeat everyone else.

Eret said "down with the revolution boys, it was never meant to be.

Dream started laughing evilly, "Take this as a warning," he said before leaving with his gang.


we go back up to l'manberg and treated everyone's wound, everyone was hurt and lost most of their stuff. we decided to go to sleep after treating  everyone's wound.


                                                                DREAM POV

she was good at fightning not gonna lie, she had a sword to my neck in less the a minute. but she is too good of a fighter for l'manberg. if she is not there we would have won by" now.

"Wilbur, are you ready to surrender."

"we want independent or death, if we don't have independent we might as well die." "we dont care if you blow up one tnt at our doorstep. boys stand back dont let it hurt you."

"what are they doing here!?"

                                                               Y/N POV

"what are they doing here!?"

i woke up hearing Wilbur talking so i go out, and i saw dream, George, sapnap in front of the door with a tnt on their hand.

"Y/N, you were suppose to be on bed!"

you look at dream and saw only one tnt and you knew something was wrong, he would't just light one piece of tnt. you stood still and felt that there we tnt right under your feet. "Wilbur! there is more tnt under us!" " what, everyone run!" Wilbur said as dream light the tnt, "follow me! i made a secret bunker just in case something happened," tommy said as you guys followed him down a hole. no one was hurt since you guys got away fast enough, but l'manberg is blown up. at least you guys saved the declaration of independent.

yay mt first book first chapter(wtf i wrote chaptwr like 5 times)

lol guys check out kattskrown she(i think idk) is also making a dream x reader and she inspired me to make a book :D

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