Part 2: Love is in the air

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Sombra POV

As Hana started to wake up I booped her on her nose, all she did was chuckle and playfully punch me. We talked a bit and decided to go on a offical first date tonight, We got dressed in some jeans and Dva fan merch. Hana wanted to drive to a store to pick up some food but I said we should walk since it's something she doesn't do that often and I felt that she should walk more. We were about to head out but winston stopped us when we walked by his lab, He reminded us that we also need to do some practice instead of being gone all day. We tell him what we were doing and He was happy for us and told us that we are a good couple. It was nice of Winston to say that we were a good couple. Hana tugged on my arm trying to make me get into a car but I pull a little bit more then she does and she quits tugging on my arm and walks.

Time Skip about 30 Minutes.


We finally get to a local supermarket and I'm tired but I enjoy this quality time with Sombra, we're holding hands when we find some pasta and Sombra says that she liked the first date spaghetti cliche. I chuckled and grabbed some sause, I turned around and felt something tickle me, as I try to see what it was it was Sombra going invisible and messing with me. I asked her if we wanted to do the whole spaghetti dinner and as I asked she put some garlic bread in our basket. We got some red wine and some other stuff like Nano cola and bateries. We decided to grab  some lunch at a taco shop just down the road. We got tacos and ate them as we walked back to the base. We got back to base and showered and put our uniforms on and went to the firing range and practice. We shot for a while and Winston told us that we could use his lab for tonight and we were happy because we could have a huge open room just for us.

Sombra POV

When winston told us that we could have his lab for tonight all I could do was grab Dva and hold her bridal style and she she kissed me and winston chuckled as he went back to his lab to clean for us. We went back to Hana's room and got her changed in to some new clean clothes. I decided to clean a little bit for her by throwing away some old Nano cola bottles and chip bags. She came out in a nice white button down shirt and a black and pink skirt and she said that it's my turn. We walk to my room but stopped by Ameilie's room, we told her that we were a couple and she was excited for us. As we were leaving Lena was walking down to ameilie's room.

Tracer POV

As I was walking down to Ameilie's room Hana and Sombra were leaving. I smiled and waved as they went to Sombra's room, I complimented Hana's skirt and she held onto Sombra's hand and thanked me. I got to Ameilie's door and I knocked on her door and she opened it, I asked if I could come in and she said that I could. Her room wasn't what I expected and I sat down on her couch and she sat next to me and asked what I wanted. I told her that I liked her, she gave an amoussed look and she went to kiss me.

Widowmaker POV

I went to go kiss her and she kissed me back and we layed down on the couch making out. We didn't stop for a few minutes, we pulled out for air and we were both smiling and we layed there wondering what we should do. We both stood up and Lena went to the door and I said "I love you, Babe" and she turned around and blinked into my arms almost knocking us both down. She left my room saying "I love you more" I blushed as she left.

Sombra POV

We finally got to my room and I didn't know what to wear, I asked Hana for some help with what to wear and she reassured me that anything would look nice. So she gave me a Blue shirt and a pair of jeans. I told her that I got her a suprise and she stubbled on herself saying she didn't get me anything, she was blushing the entire time and mummbled to herself and I asked what she said. She looked at me and said "nothing", She said she was gonna go grab something for dinner, She bolted to the door and I could hear her running down the hall. I chuckled and started to make dinner for us.


I ran to the supermarket and I thought of Sombra as I ran down to the market. I saw a purple sugar skull pair of shoes. I got them, a pink blanket, and some popcorn packets. I ran back to the base, to see sombra setting up dinner for us in the lab, I wrapped the shoes with the blanket and put the gift in her room. I walked to the lab and saw Sombra standing there and she turned around when she saw me. She chuckled at me saying I was a little bit late. I ignored her snarky comment and gave her a kiss. She turned on winstons big screen and started playing some old footage of me playing games. I looked at her with a little bit of shock and lots of love. We eat some spaghetti and meatballs, Afterwards I offer to do the dishes since I saw her cleaning my room earlier. She watched me clean the dishes and watched the old footage she found. I lead her back to her room and give her the blanket.

Sombra POV

I  looked at the pink blanket with a smile and Hana tells me to open it. I saw the shoes that I have been wanting for a while and I start blushing and I start to put them on but Hana says that theres more to the gift. I look at her with a smile, she put alot into the date and I love her enthusiasm. She told me to grab the blanket and shoes and we go to the roof and we go stargazing. We use the blanket and I put on the shoes and the look amazing and feel good. I hug her as we stare into the sky. I smell the bubblegum she was eating and I wanna be with her forever.

Tracer POV

I walk down the halls and walk past the lab seeing Hana and Sombra having a romantic dinner. I decide towalk down to Ameilie's room, but as I turn the corner to her room she walks into me. I help her up and she said that she was about to go to my room. I try to say something funny but I got butterflies in my chest from walking into her, She looks at me and I snap back to reality and I say that I would Like to take her out to dinner.

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