Part 8: Recover and Relax

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I woke up holding onto Sombra's hand, I couldn't believe this was happening. I went to the bathroom and changed out of my lingerie and rinsed my face in the sink, I put on some PJs and sat back down next to Sombra I kissed her forehead as I lifted my lips off of her forehead her head shifted and I sat back down hoping she would open her eyes and smile. I waited a few minutes and she didn't move much. I held her hand and looked at the pictures I printed, Angela came in and gave me good news "Sombra can be realeased tonight" said Angela, I jumped up and gave her a hug, she told me to check on her a lot and give her medicine every 4 hours. I couldn't wait and Angela reminded me that I could take her back tonight but definitely tomorrow morning. I was jumping in glee I couldn't hold back a smile, Angela gave Sombra her medicine and told me to call her if Sombra woke up.

<<5 hours later>>

I wasn't doing much today I just listened to music while holding Sombra's hand. I felt my hand squeezed and I turned to see Sombra with a weak smile I smiled and gave her a big hug, "Too tight Babe" she coughed out as I squeezed her, I loosened my hug but still hugged her. I told her that I had to call Angela to tell her that you woke up. I called Angela and let her know that Sombra woke up, I turned back around to see Sombra trying to get out of bed, I sprinted to her and tried to get her to lay back down She finally layed back down and I could tell she just wanted to be home. I told her that we could go after Angela checked on her, She gave me a kiss and I started to tear up. Angela walked in with her staff and Scanned Sombra as she explained what she would need to do and what to take. I smiled in the background as Angela told Sombra that I stayed here all of yesterday and all night, Sombra smiled at me and I shed a tear, Sombra was transfered to a wheelchair and Angela gave me Sombra's medicine for today and tomorrow. I walked Sombra back to our room and I started crying after closing the door, Sombra heard me as she lifted herself up and sat on the couch, I walked over to her and layed my head on her lap crying as she pat my head, "I missed you so much" I cried into her lap before more tears flooded my eyes, I sat up and saw Sombra sheding a tear, "I should have told you sooner" Sombra said before launching herself into my chest. I patted her head and let her cry, we were there for minutes before she pulled herself off of me. I told her about the 3D suit model I made for her and her eyes lit up like christmas, I showed her and she pointed out the joints weren't the correct sizes and fixed them within two minutes. I hugged her and she grabed the back of my head before sliding her hands to my checks pulling me into a kiss, I put my arms around her neck and continued kissing me.

Sombra POV

Hana put her arms around my neck and I smiled as she pulled out of the kiss "I love you Hana Song" I whispered into her ear as she blushed looking straight into my eyes. I tried to stand back up and Hana grabbed me and sat me back down telling me to Recover and Relax, I turned the TV on and watched Rick and Morty I always liked the show but the wait for the next season took forever. I saw Hana make some toast and orange juice, I nibbled on the toast and enjoyed the orange juice. As the episode ended Hana picked me up and sat me in the chair and wheeled me to the bathroom, We took a shower together as Hana held me steady and helped with washing my body, She held my hand the entire time and every now and then I would squeeze her hand telling her that she's squeezing to hard, We walked to the bedroom and I see the first model suit and harness were there on the bed, Hana moved them to my work desk as I layed on the bed naked. Hana offered some clothes but all I want is her next to me in bed, I pat the bed signaling her to be next to me. She sat down and I held her hand as I started to fall asleep, She moved to my backside and held me not moving a muscle. We layed there for a while and I heard Hana snore into my back. I try to turn around to see her face but she's holding me too tight I snuggled into Hana's arms and started to fall asleep.

<<2 hours later>>

I woke up and turned to see Hana laying on her back, I rolled over and layed my head on her shoulder whiling placing my arm on her stomach. She brushed her fingers through my hair and kissed my forehead, I kissed her neck and layed there for a bit, I finally rolled onto my back and grabbed Hana's hand. I asked her how she was feeling, with a shaky voice " I don't know, Conflicted? I missed your smile and your laugh, I couldn't handle what happened. I didn't know when you would come back to me, I thought I lost you" She said bursting into tears and I sat up and tried to calm her down by hugging her and telling her it wouldn't happen ever again. She looked up at me and kissed me, I gave her a big hug and she pulled out of the kiss staying in my arms. I felt a tear fall down my face and Hana pulled out and wiped my tear. She told me to stay seayed as she tried to put the harness around me.


I put the harness on Sombra, She stood up easier but could only take a few steps without stumbling, I helped her stabilize herself and I gave her the new suit, I helped her put it on, " I love the design, did you make this design or find it online?" She asked, I told her I designed it and tried to make some bunny symbols on it. She smiled and stood up to walk to me and kiss my check, She made it 2/3 of the way to me before stumbling and asking me for help, I helped her up and she kissed me on my check after standing up.

"I love you Sombra and next time could you maybe not almost die on me?"

*chuckle*" I don't plan on it anytime soon and I love you more"

"Aww, you do know how to make me blush, but there is no way you could love me more then I love you"

" Really, How about this?"

Sombra took my shirt and lifted it up and traced the words I love you infinity on my chest. I giggled and I gave up letting her win, She fist pumped and gave me a kiss on my check.

Nobody's POv

Sombra spent the rest of the day relaxing with Hana and they had some ramen ordered to the base and they enjoyed the time back together.

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