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When Hans returned to the people he was talking to before Anna showed up he told them that Anna and her friend has died and he told them that they did their wedding vows and they believed him.

They then knew what had to be done next.

"Queen Elsa and her friend must die" Hans says.

They then started heading down the dungeon.


We were still in the dungeon and our cuffs were frozen solid and the walls were also becoming covered in ice.

"Elsa" she looks at me "Zane was right" I walk next to her "ever since my ice power showed up I've been terrified and I've never feared a power before" I said "I think we're linked together by magic and I think I'm feeling your fear and making it my own fear somehow"

"But how is that possible?" Elsa asks.

"I don't know, Kali said my bracelet is a mystery and I think my bracelet is making me feel your feelings, I think that's why I'm so scared"

"So I guess you'll get control and leave" Elsa says kinda sad.

"No" she looks at me "I will not leave you until I know you will be ok" she smiles and I smile too.

Just then we heard voices coming this way.

Elsa then pulls on her cuffs.

I then close my eyes and focus and destroy the cuff on me and my hands were free.

"How did you do that?" Elsa asks.

"I have other powers too remember" I then touch her cuffs and break them and she was free.

We then see them trying to break down the door that was frozen solid.

"What now?" Elsa asks.

"We get out of here" I look at the wall "stand behind me" she then goes behind me and I put my hands out and destroy the wall and we run into the snow storm while I held her hand.


When the door was finally opened they saw that they were gone and Hans wasn't happy.

Meanwhile Kristoff and Sven were no longer in the village and was walking up a hill.

Sven then did everything he could to get him to go back but he wouldn't.

But just then a gust of powerful wind hits them and they look at Arendelle and they saw clouds gathering all around it.

They then decided to head back there to make sure Anna and Zane and Grubber were ok.
Meanwhile still in the room where they were locked up Grubber did wake up and tried to break the door down or even open it, but sadly he was just to small and weak to do anything and he even tried to make a fire, but he didn't know how since where he came from you could just use magic to make a fire.

And Zane and Anna's hair had turned completely white and they were so cold that they could barely move.

They then saw ice coming in between the wall.

Just then they heard the doorknob wiggle.

"Help" Zane and Anna both said weakly.

Just then the door opens with a carrot 🥕 in the spot where the key goes and they saw that it was their snowmen friends.

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