Part 5 late night convertions

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Tw:mention of homophobic and suicide panic attacks and depression
Sorry if any one has to deal with this it's so sad and am so proud of u have managed to get through everything u had to deal with xx

(3 months of talking)
Hey Lou are u awake I really need some one to talk to but it's fine if ur not awake xx

Hey haz what's wrong am awake I can't sleep thinking about something xx

I had a nightmare about the night the accident happened again but this time it was different I managed to wake up before anything hit worse but I almost had a panic attack because of it I ain't gonna any one else to talk to u where the first person I though everyone I know is a sleep and Nialls gonna home for the week :((( xx
Oh shit you don't know what happened with the accident do u x

Oh you okay you don't have to tell me if u don't feel confutable to talk about it but just know that I will be here when ur ready to xx

I think am ready to tell you because trust you xx

Are you sure luv I don't want to pressure u into talking about xx

No am ready to talk about it after all u should know if we're gonna be friends xx

Okay luv just take your time xx

So it all started 3 years ago my best friend Jake he was the most kindest loving caring person I know he always knew how u make some one smile and we always thought he was okay but I guess the people that act like there they do happy are because there in pain and don't want other people to go through the pain they have to go through every day he was always bullied for the way he was he was gay but also on the school foot ball (soccer)team when ever he would play foot ball(soccer)no one would pass so him and when ever he scored a goal no one would cheer like every one else would if it wasn't him it's was so sad we though he was okay until the 26 April 2017 he decided that enough was enough and he decided to end his life I was broken all I could think about was helping his family so I stayed and help his family I made sure they always had food in there house and made sure they ate no one made sure I was okay I started to become depressed and then I started to have panic attacks then I discovered you and ur music helped me through it no mater how shit my days were you always seemed to make it better that's when I started going to therapy and now am getting better I still have some shit days where I think what if I could of helped him xx

Oh am sorry you had to go through that's but just keep in mid that I am so fucking proud of you I love you xx

Thanks Lou it feels good to tell you xx

Are you in London now or back home xx

Am in London why xx

Just because am in London I was wondering if u would like to meet up only if ur okay with it I don't want to push you into anything xx

Omg yes yes yes I would love to when do you want to meet up I don't have uni for two weeks 😂 xx


Yesssssss xxx

Alright babe get some sleep so we're can't meet up tomorrow am so proud of you luv love you xx

"Babe" are we using pet names because Of we are I love it xx

Sorry luv I didn't think I just typed it X

It's okay I like it xx
Alright am gonna go sleep now love you xx

Alright love you have a good sleep xx

(The next day)

Hey haz are we still able to meet up today xx

Yes xx

Where do you want to meet xx

We could go out or hang out at my place xx

Where ever you fell comfortable my luv xx

Is it okay if we just go mine I just don't feel like going out today xx

As long as your happy am happy xx
What's ur address xx

27 bridge avenue close
Can't wait to see you xx

I live near there like 5 minutes away xx

what time do you think you will come just so I can clean something xx

Okay you really don't need to clean just because am coming xx

I do I really don't want you to see my house the way it is it's an embarrassing mess 😂 xx

Well am sure it's better than mine I have both my dogs running around making a mess 😂 x

Text me when you leave am gonna go clean can't wait to see you xx

(30 minutes later)

Am sooooo bored can I come now x

Yes Lou see in in a bit xx

Harry was excited but scared to meet Louis in person he made sure that everything was perfect and clean after harry waited five minutes which felt like hours harry decided to walk up to the door just was he got to the door he heard a knock he was hesitant at first but when he opened the door Louis was standing there with the cutest smile ever and flowers they took a second admiring each other until harry took a step forward and hugged Louis it's took a sec for Louis to hug back after a while they pulled away from each other.

"Uhh... hi Lou"harry said nervously. "Hi haz u okay it's so good to finally meet you in person"Louis said happily.

After a while of talking they decided that they would sit and watch a movie after a while of watching the move they gradually got closer and closer to each other  and by the end of the movie they were cuddling really close.

As the time flew by it was really late Louis and harry had fell asleep while watching the 4th movie soon before they knew it is was the next morning they both work up in each other arms they both woke up with a smile they had never been happy Louis started falling in love from the first day they spoke but today made it even better

That chapter was long it's took me hours to write but hope you like it 😂💕

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