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"And you're sure I'm allowed to be here?" I asked for what felt like the thousandth time.

Mikey laughed and tried to pry my death grip away from his arm; presumably to let the blood circle again. "Yes, I'm sure, Darling. You're my girlfriend and the backstage area is really not that interesting."

And then, he held open the door for me to the room where My Chemical Romance was waiting to start their show. It wasn't as impressing as I thought it would be. There were two sofas standing around that looked like they had been there since the beginning of time, a mini fridge in the corner, most likely filled with some drinks and a little table that was overflowing with equipment. The other four guys were either sitting around, jumping around, tuning their guitars or in Gerard's case doing warm ups with their voices. All of them turned to look at us as we entered the room.

While I was clutching Mikey's arm again, hoping that the earth would swallow me, my wonderful boyfriend dragged me further inside. Thanks a lot, Baby.

"So you're the famous Y/N!" Frank came over to give me a hug.

I was a little confused by the reaction especially after we had already met. But I didn't need to worry because Mikey's grip on me was suddenly back with all of it's force, effectively preventing the hug. I wasn't sure if I was glad or upset that he stopped Frank who was obviously happy to see me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the drummer leaving the room and Gerard nodding at him.

And Ray rolled his eyes from his place on the sofa with the guitar in his lap. "Frank, don't be an ass, we already met her. Hi, Y/N nice to see you again."

"I'm not an ass! I was just trying to re-meet her as the girl Mikey is constantly talking about and who apparently decided to give this fucker a chance," Frank explained and winked at me jokingly.

Now it was my turn to not feel my arm as Mikey moved us to the point the farthest away from the tiny guitarist. I looked up and saw Mikey's jaw set in a frown, obviously suppressing some kind of anger. Damn, I knew that this had been a bad idea.

Until Gerard and Frank started to laugh loudly.

"Dude, it's so easy to get you worked up. I'm not trying to flirt with Y/N," Frank said with what he thought to be a calming voice while Gerard tried to glare at him but failed miserably.

Mikey's glare on the other hand was quite icy. And because I refused to be the reason for a sudden bloody nose on Frank, I tugged at his arm to make Mikey lean down to me. Then, I pressed a kiss to his lips and stroked his cheek. "I love you Mikey."

"I love you too," he whispered. He was considerably calmer now and even smiled again. Our foreheads rested together as Mikey looked deeply into my eyes, a little twinkle in his that made my heart beat a little faster and for this moment I felt like we were alone in the room.

"Damn, you're a Mikey whisperer," Gerard stated baffled with a stage whisper, making everyone laugh out loud and break the tension in the room completely. Mikey and I exchanged an exasperated look but couldn't contain our own laughter very long.

What a little almost fight could do for the self esteem. I didn't feel terribly out of place anymore and Frank's fake-flirting gave me a boost of confidence just like Mikey's jealousy and little soft moment gave me the assurance about his feelings for me. And Gerard and Ray both were observing Mikey and me like fond mothers so they must have been okay with the situation.

Unfortunately, we couldn't mess around much more as the guys had to get ready. So I left them to their tuning and last minute discussions and just watched silently from the sofa.

Why do I never look up while walking? [Mikey Way X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now