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Rosa looked glorious like this. Spread out on the backseat of her family's Range Rover. Head tilted back, eyes fluttered close, mouth open wide, singing to the heavens. Her skirt hiked up to her waistline, underwear dangling from one ankle, toes curled and gripping the driver seat's headrest, my face between her thighs. She left my mouth sticky, my cheeks warm, and neck sweaty. I left her flushed and wrecked and oh so pretty.
Rosa looked gentle like this. Legs tangled together, my hand on her waist, her lips on my collarbone. She laughed softly at my mean jokes about the kids at school, she sang me pretty lullabies to coax me into sleep. Our bodies were electric, magnetic, wild. But our souls were relaxed, tranquil, at ease.
Rosa looked greedy like this. At a bar called Pablo's on the other end of this godforsaken town. Dancing with an older guy, drinking with a stranger, flirting with the bartender. She grinded and thrust and shook. She sipped and licked and drowned. She giggled and winked and blushed. I watched behind my beer, eyes envious and pained as she kissed that college guy with a leather jacket and helix piercings right beside the old, crappy jukebox playing Weezers like it was the newest, hip thing on the block.

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