Let's Prove It

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@/ILikeItLarry on ao3

Description: There is a storm tonight and Harry let's Louis, his gay friend stay with him until it passes. They somehow see who has the bigger package.

"I guess it's too late to say 'no homo'?"

Word Count: 2265

Top: Harry 


Work Text:

"I think I'm going to head up, how about you?" Harry asks Louis. Louis decided to sleep over at Harry's tonight because a storm was passing through and Louis isn't too fond of storms. In fact he's the biggest baby ever when it comes to lightening and thunder. Harry understood and opened his doors for his best friend.

"Yeah, I think I will." Louis agrees as he jumps when a loud crackle of Thunder rolls, Harry laughs a bit. Louis couldn't be left alone, the thought of being alone and in the dark during this scary weather makes his heart race faster than it was before.

Louis holds on to Harry's shirt and follows as Harry leads them in the dark. He can hear Harry's hand run along the walls as if it's helping him find the correct room. As soon as Harry stops, he turns on a light and he seems satisfied because he found the right room completely in the dark (with a little help from the walls.)

"Your room is always so neat. My mum would have loved raising you as a child." Louis jokes, his nerves easing away as he can finally see.

"I'm still her favourite either way." Harry takes off his duvet and a few of the unnecessary pillows that were just for decoration.

"As long as I'm your favourite, I think we'll be okay." Louis smiles as he snuggles into Harry and closes his eyes. Harry didn't mind when Louis slept too close to him, as long as he was the little spoon, that's what he had said to Louis one time.

Louis faintly heard the sound of the lamp click off. Harry settled into bed. Louis wasn't really ready to fall asleep. The thunder still made him on edge.

Louis broke the still silence, as quiet as it could get with the trees brushing the house and the thunder bursting their ear drums. "Hey, Harry."

No reply.

"Loser, I know you're still up. Don't play that kind of shit with me." Louis shakes Harry's shoulder gently.

"What do you want, Lou?" Harry turns over so he can see Louis' face.

"I bet my dick is bigger than yours." Louis says smugly, trying to pick a fight with Harry.

"Have you seen your height compared to mine?"

"Height doesn't make dick size, asshole." Louis says as it should be obvious, which it was.

Harry hesitates, then says proudly, "I'm seven inches."

"I'm eight inches. Beat that fucker." Louis tugs on a long lock of Harry's hair.

"No fucking way your dick is larger than mine." Harry sits up and switches on the bright lamp, Louis follows.

"Don't believe me?"

"Not one bit, Lewis." Harry teases.

"There's only one way to find out." Louis smirks.

"Oh, no. No, just no."

"Come on, are you scared I'm going to beat you?" Louis is smug, he's winning this game that he's started.

"Not at all, just uncomfortable showing my dick to someone who isn't my girlfriend." Harry says that like Louis should very well know.

"Okay, so my cock is bigger then." Louis shrugs and lays back down.

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