Mikasa's past

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"Mummy, where does babies come from?"
The little girl's innocent eyes looks at her mother curiously.

Her mother hesitates for a minute.

"Why don't you ask your father.."

Little girl with long girl turn sharply towards her father who is sitting on the chair.

"Daddy, where does babies come from?.."

Her father falters who is reading the morning newspaper.

"Well..mikasa ..uh..i will tell you after dinner..alright?.."

The girl simply nodds.

"Alright!.." She toothly grins.

It was dinner time and Ackerman family were sat on their table.

Suddenly the door bell rings.

"I will see it.." her father stands up from his seats.

As he opens the door. She and her mother could only see blood splattering around.

They stands up alarmly and looking dreadful at the two mens standing on their entrance.

They watch the man falling on the ground with blood.

"So this are ackermann.." One of the men says licking his lips.

Her mother grabs her and runs towards their bedroom as fast as she could and locks the door behind.

The two men are banging on the door mindlessly.

Her mother looks around the room panickly. She rapidly goes turns towards the drawer and takes out a book and she pulls out a note.

The little girl's eyes filled with tears and fear just glances at her mother.

Her mother comes near and squats down and hands her the note.

"Contact him and tell him everything..he will help you...you need to run..i can't come with you.." her mother says hasitly with tear flowing through her cheeks.

"Mother ..come with me.."

"No ..i can't..I have to stop them or atlest slow them ..otherwise they will catch you.."


"No..you have to live..this is my wish.." Mother hugs her child tightly and gives her kiss on cheeks.

They both walks towards the window. The elder lady opens it up. She looks at her child which almost breaks her down.

"Please...Grant my wish..my daughter.."

The 10 year old child just nodds innocently and hugs her mother for the last time.

She helps her child to climb the window and safely land her on the other side.

"Don't look back.." She pauses to smile at her child. It might be the last time she could see her. Her smile filled with sadness and grief and fear, still she had to put a brave face for her daughter.

"Run..Run..Mikasa.." The door wide open im the room entering the two men.

Little mikasa looks at her mother last times and turns to run as fast as she could.

"Kami sama..please..grant my wish.." She says softly closing her eyes and grabs the lamp near the window and turns around to the monsters.

Only screaming could be heard from the house.

As for mikasa, She runs and runs without stopping, without taking any breathe from her house which was located near jungle.

Her tears rolling down. She don't even know shy her father and mother were attacked in front of her eyes. In the cold night she was running with her legs were shivering. She can't stop..She needs to run..for her mother..for her father.

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