In the Beginning

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It's been years since I've heard from Billy. I'm not sure where she is or how she is. After that day at the Psych ward we lost touch. To be fair, we hadn't been in touch much since she entered the Psych ward because they took her phone, but I was able to call her every once in a while. I guess after she was releases her mom moved the family to Colorado. Everyone bullied her when she got back to school, not only about the failed suicide attempt but also about our kiss. Somehow someone caught wind of it and it spread like wildfire. If I could find the little bitch that started this I would beat her ass. I hope she's doing well, I miss her.

I graduated from college a year ago, and now I work at a local vet clinic. I'm thinking about going for my paramedicine certificate because as much as I love the animals, I want to be on the run. Not only do I want to save animals lives, I also want to be able to help human lives as well. Typically I don't do well under pressure but I want to fix that. 

Not a day goes by where I don't think about Billie, about our friendship, about that night. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and stop it from ever happening, just so I could still have her in my life. Last I knew she was dating some dickbag named Marquel. From what I've heard he's very manipulative and verbally abusive to her. I wish I could swoop in and save her from this guy and show her what real love feels like. I thought she had feelings for me, maybe she did I don't know. I just wish I could see her one more time.

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