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It's 5am, I have work in a couple hours. I could've slept longer if I wanted to but I was up all night thinking. This is a regular occurrence for me, staying up all night with a lot on my mind. After Billy moved she blocked me on everything. Facebook, Snapchat, even the imessage app. I check every day to see if there was the slightest chance she might have unblocked me. I put my phone down and close my eyes, when I wake up the sunlight is shining through my window.

When I wake again, its 6:30, I have half an hour to get to work. "Fuck" I say as I get out of bed, I can't afford to be late again or I'll lose my job. I scramble to the kitchen, pop down a couple pieces of toast and run back to my room to get dressed. While I wait for my toast to pop up, I check facebook one more time. When I type in her name, her profile pops up almost immediately. I was so focused on my phone that when my toast pops up I jumped and dropped my phone. When I picked up my phone I noticed I had sent a friend request to her, I was going to cancel it but it was already too late, she had accepted the request. I quickly pocketed my phone, grabbed my toast and jumped into my truck. 

"I'll only be a few minutes late, maybe they'll let this slide."

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