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I whip my truck into a parking spot, grab my stuff and head in. "you're late" Cherry says. "I know I know, is the boss here yet?" Cherry looks at me from behind her monitor. "Yea she's been here for about half an hour. We had a problem with one of our patients so she had to come in early." Her eyes are tired and sad. I've heard she's having relationship troubles again but she doesn't like to talk about it. "She's in the back room with the cat now." I head to the back to see if there's anything I can assist with. When I get back there, my boss Theresa is there with the new intern Jaxx. They both turn to look at me. "Sorry I'm late, my dog threw up right as I was about to leave." Theresa looks unimpressed, Jaxx just stands there. "Hey can you look after Tiger for a second please? I'll have Katie come help you, Fever can I see you in my office please?" Oh shit I'm about to get fired. I head to the office and Theresa goes to get Katie, another tech here. I sit down in front of her desk. She comes in and shuts the door. "I'm sure you know why you're here?" I nervously nod my head. "Fever you've been late almost all week, are you ok? Are things at home ok?" I nod my head again. "I'm really sorry, Homer my dog really did throw up this morning, (lie). I can tell she can see right through my bullshit. "You hung up on that girl again?" She asks. I love Theresa, she doesn't take any shit and gets right to it. I blush. "Yea..." Thereses gaze stays as hard as before. "Well I can't have you being late all the time. I have a clinic to run and I need people here. Tiger this morning threw up three times before I got here, he's very dehydrated and Jaxx doesn't know enough to help me put an IV in yet." "What about Katie?" I ask. Theresa rubs her face, "She's studying to become a veterinarian Fever, you know this! She was busy with other clients and helping Cherry check customers in, and on her down time she studies like a dog! I'm sorry Fever, I hate to do this but I think I'm going to have to let you go. You're a great worker, but I need people I can count on. Call me when you're actually ready to do you're job." 

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