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Peggy POV
I was only 2 weeks pregnant and Steve wanted to celebrate and tell some of the avengers. I was happy that we were gonna finally tell some people because we have been sitting with this choice for 4 days. We are just gonna invite a little bit of people from the avengers like :
Barton (Hawkeye)
Pepper (and their daughter)
Agent hill
And vision.
I was preparing for the party when Steve came in and wrapped his arms around my waist. I turned around and kissed him gently. I pulled away and said "can you help me with the decorations please. They are gonna arrive soon" "okay I'll help" Steve said finally helping me with the decorations. Ding dong someone was here!

No ones POV
Peggy went to get the door and there was Wanda and vision. She gave Wanda a hug and told vision that Steve was in the kitchen. And once she said that vision flew over there. Wanda and Peggy were talking for awhile till the door rang again. She opens the door and there was Jane, Thor and Bucky. Soon everybody had finally arrived. The boys were outside just hanging out by the pool and just talking about working stuff. The girls were inside in the living room talking, when Peggy broke the news about her being pregnant. "Okay girls I have to tell you guys something." All the girl were so happy to hear what Peggy was gonna say. "I'm pregnant! Again!" Peggy yelled. All the girl screams in happiness and pepper since she was Peggy's new BFF she ran to Peggy and hugged her. "I'm so happy for you and Steve! Aaah I love you" she said.

It was now Steve's turn to tell the boys that he and Peggy were expecting another baby. "So guys I have something to say" Steve said happily. "What is it because me and jade have something to do" Thor said chugging another beer. Barton was like "Chill on the beers dude you are gonna get fat" "well maybe if I was banging Natasha I wouldn't. Just kidding I'm only into Jane." Steve jumped on before things got out of hand. "ME AND PEGGY ARE EXPECTING ANOTHER BABY!" He yelled. Everybody turned to look at him. They all shook his hand and gave him a little bro hug. But Tony and Bucky gave him a longer bro hug. They all then started to talk about how they wanted to go on a new mission badly.

Soon everyone left and now it was just the twins, Morgan, Steve and Peggy. The twins were playing in the room with Morgan while Steve and Peggy were in the room.

Peggy POV
"Steve I'm scared" I said to him while cuddling with him. "About what darling?" He asked me while cuddling back with me. "I'm scared to give birth again. What if something is wrong with the baby or if something goes wrong while I'm in labor" I said to him. I was scared that something was gonna happen like what if the baby chokes itself with the umbilical cord. "Peggy don't worry I will be there the whole time and we will get the best doc out there okay" "okay" I replied to him. We soon fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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