Chap 1. [Waking up]

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Waking up in a cold sweat, Atsushi coughed roughly. His throat felt scratchy, as if he had been drugged with something. His bright eyes scanned the dark area, but they needed to adjust to the darkness of the room. Looking straight ahead, he saw a stairway that led up to somewhere. A soft warm glow filled the area, barely enough light for Atsushi to see clearly.

Bringing his eyes down, he saw a dark red substance on the ground. Atsushi let out a small gasp, as he attempted to move his body out of instinct. To his surprise, this proved to be extremely difficult. Twirling his head around slowly to look at his arms, he saw that they were handcuffed and hanging on the wall that he was leaning on. The cold stone that his back was facing was also covered in blood, and Atsushi shivered.

Was that his blood, or somebody else's?

Suddenly, he heard a hallow sound as footsteps came thudding down the steps ahead of him. Slowly, a man reached the final step and looked straight ahead at Atsushi. The black cloth around the man seemed to tear at its restraints. Knowing very well who this man was, the younger male handcuffed to the stone said nothing. Atsushi knew this man very well, along with his ability.

Atsushi thought to himself.
They finally caught me. The Port Mafia is finally going to get the bounty atop my head, just as they've always wanted. I just hope everyone else at the agency is safe...

Looking up, Atsushis eyes met the man's gray ones, the man called Akutagawa. Surely, these last moments of his life were to end by Akutagawas hands.

"It's been too long, were-tiger.." the man's voice with a slight accent said lowly.

Atsushi noticed how he never called him by his actual name, but he had more things to worry about at the moment. Squinting, Akutagawa's gray eyes filled with utter hatred glared into Atsushi's soul.

"Actually, it was quite simple to capture you, as long as you were alone and unsuspecting that is- without that agonizing agency watching your back."

Sighing a breath of relief, not enough for Akutagawa to hear, he remembered. He had been out doing some shopping for everyday items around the office. Dazai was supposed to accompany him, but he was most likely floating face down in a river somewhere.

Suddenly, the cloth around Akutagawa seemed to grow in size and become aware. The black fabric zoomed straight at Atsushi before he could say anything, specifically at his neck. His head banged against the concrete behind him, as Roshōmon slowly clenched around his throat.

"The boss has given me orders to take you alive but,"

The grip on Atsushi's neck tightened, making it extremely hard to breathe. Akutagawa stepped closer to the younger male and looked down at him with piercing eyes.

"-he never said I couldn't torture you a little first."

Because he couldn't move his hands, Atshushi was just forced to take the full impact of the pressure on his neck while being defenseless. He finally caught a breath, and mumbled something under it.

"What was that?"
Akutagawa asked menacingly.

Loosening his grip on Atsushis throat just enough, he let him speak.

"Why," Atsushi began, "Why do you hate me so much?! Is it all because I got Dazai's approval and you-"

Atsushi regretted what he said the second it came out of his mouth. The flames that burned inside of Akutagawas eyes lit up like someone had poured a can of gasoline on a burning pile. Without notice, another piece of the black cloth pierced Atsushi in the stomach.

Letting out a small cry, Atsushi knew he probably shouldn't say stuff like that when his life was on the line. Blood spewed out of his lower half as the sharp cloth left his body. Atsushi felt a metallic taste in his mouth as he suddenly spit out blood.

"You just got lucky with Dazai-"
Akutagawa spat out.

"You don't know the first damn thing about fighting, let alone being a good apprentice."
His eyes squinted at Atsushi.

Atsushi went pale from the loss of blood, and there was silence for a moment as Akutagawa pondered what his next move should be. It wouldn't be long until the ability that Atsushi possessed -Beast Beneath the Moonlight- would give him strength to regenerate and heal. But until then, he was just forced to keep his mouth shut.

Light steps came from the stairwell, and Akutagawa turned his head to look back, not letting the grip off Atsushi's throat.

"Damn it Akutagawa, quit it. The boss made it clear that the were-tiger would be worth more if he was kept alive..."

The voice came from the short orange haired man known as Chuuya Nakahara himself. Akutagawa, seeing one of his main executives, dropped the black cloth around Atsushi's neck. It came back to the man, becoming lifeless again.

Chuuya sighed as he looked at Atsushi. He saw bright red blood showing through his white shirt. Slowly, he walked up to the boy. Atsushi tensed. Dazai had told him about Chuuya multiple times, and by the sound of it they had a strange relationship. In return, Atsushi wasn't quite sure how to act.

Without warning, Chuuya swiftly lifted his leg up past Atsushis head, and broke the chains that bound him to the wall behind him. The actual handcuffs were still attached to his wrists, but he was no longer leashed to the wall.

Pulling his leg down and watching Atsushi's arms fall, Chuuya looked up at the young man.

"Sorry for Akutagawa,"

Chuuya started walking back to the steps. His brown hat bobbed on his head as he strode.

"-that was no way to treat a guest, right?"

Chuuya shot Akutagawa a look, then back at the stairwell. He started up the stairs, only to realize that he was not being followed. Sighing, he swung his head around to look back at the two.

"The boss doesn't want to see you until tomorrow morning. Obviously, we can't let you free but I'm interested to see what your like"

And what Dazai saw in you,
Chuuya thought.

"So unless you want us to kill you on the spot, I would recommend coming with me."

Atsushi didn't even know what to say.

What, what the hell were they going to do with him? Sure, Atsushi has always wanted to see what happened in the Port Mafia, but was this really okay?

Either way, he didn't want to die, so he just glanced up at Chuuya.

"...Chuuya, is it? I will join you in whatever this is as you promise to keep the rest of the agency safe for the time being."
Chuuya didn't even look back at Atsushi, but he gave him a small nod.

Akutagawa looked disappointed, but he knew that he would listen to his executive. So in return, he started walking to the stairwell.

Out of confusion, Atsushi completely forgot that he had even been stabbed in the stomach. He paused for a moment to look around him, before slowly shuffling his feet to the stairwell and into the unknown.


Atsushi's Day With The Port MafiaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin