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Well it's finally here, sorry for the long wait and sorry if this chapter is a bit shorter than the others but yee.

Your face heated up significantly from his introduction, but choosing to keep your silence, you nodded your head to him respectfully. “We are so happy to have you three here for the festivities” Phil spoke up after noticing your bashfulness. “The pleasure is ours” Badboyhalo spoke up, “My servants will show you to your rooms, we’ll be having dinner within the hour and we would love for you all to join us.” The three men looked at each other before nodding and going their separate ways to their rooms after following the several servants that showed them the way.


“I don’t think you understand Niki! He was the most handsome man I’ve ever seen! There’s no way I’m going to amount to him!” You explained to your friend while frantically picking out a formal dress to wear for dinner. “I’m sure everything will be fine (Y/N), it’s just a few baby steps till the big day, this dinner is nothing compared to what’s to come” Niki spoke softly while looking through your pairs of shoes. “That’s the thing! This dinner is my first impression on him! And I swear to the gods if Tommy fucks this up and makes a mockery out of everyone-”, “It will be ok your highness, Wilbur is there to keep him in check.” You thought about it for a moment before sighing, realizing that Niki was right and you were just making a big deal out of nothing, but it only calmed your nerves slightly. 

After a few minutes of prepping your physical appearance and some of your metal aspects, you were ready (With the help of Niki of course). Taking one last deep breath you opened the door to your room and started down the hallway with Niki following close behind. You could see the doors to the dining hall come closer and the more you walked towards them the more panic set in, you were never the best in social situations (Only really having Niki, Ranboo, and your Brothers to talk with all your life). You got to the doors and peeked inside, seeing everyone was there in their seats already, except for you, upon studying the scene more you realized the only empty seat left was next to Technoblade. Your eyes widened and you started to breathe heavily, “I can’t do this!” You whispered yelled before trying to speed walk away, Niki grabbing a hold of your arm to stop you. “You have to calm down your highness! You can do this just breath!” She whispered to you, you abided by her demands and started to take deep breaths to calm down to an extent. What you didn’t realize or see was Niki sneaking behind you to the door before she abruptly opened it, “Now presenting (Y/N) first daughter of Philza and heir to the throne of Philbarin!” Her voice rung out as you turned around, panic setting back in as you face your family and the embassy.

Your eyes landed on Technoblade and your seat next to him, hesitantly you started your way towards your seat. You could feel everyone staring at you which only made you more nervous, glancing over at Wilbur, who was sat next to your father, your eyes pleaded for reassurance. Wilbur being able to read your expression gave you two thumbs up in the hopes that it would raise your spirits and calm you down some. You got closer to your seat and before a servant could step forward to pull your chair, Technoblade had gotten up from his seat, moving behind your chair to pull it out for you. “Thank you,” you said in a small voice as you felt some heat rise to your cheeks creating a soft blush. You sat down and Technoblade pushed your chair in before sitting back down in his seat next to you. You looked around the table, your father sat at the head of the table as per usual with your brother Wilbur sat on his left and you on the right, Fundy sat next to Wilbur along with Tommy and Tubbo; the rest of the embassy being sat next to Techno, Bad being in the middle of George and Technoblade.

“So, Technoblade, how was the journey here?” Philza said while cutting into the beef that was on his plate (Mainly because if it was pork Technoblade would be very upset). Technoblade finished chewing and swallowing what was in his mouth before turning his head to Philza, “It went well, only encountered a few thieves on the way here but they didn’t stand much of a chance” He said confidently. His confidence in his abilities sparked your interest, I mean they did call him a Warlord and Blood God for a reason so of course, he would be highly skilled in battle.

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