you know the drill

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Yeah um. Imma cut to the chase real quick.

This story is going finito.

Or more like discontinued.

Yeah I can only deeply apologize for saying this it's just when I made the update I started to work on the new story and then after 1 minute I got distracted and haven't come back to it.

And from that I just thought that this story is just better off being discontinued.

But if anyone wants to take up the liberty of continuing this story in there own way, go for it. I don't really care.

You don't even have to give me credit you can just take it.

But if you are can you like give me a link so I can read it because I would like to see that.

Anyways I'm really thankful for all your support throughout this story it really means a lot to me.

And if someone has an idea for a story I can pull off or wants me to write something like a betrayal or a different ship story I'm all ears because I would like to continue writing since I find it so fun.

Anyways thank you for the support and I can only apologize for this.

The Trepidations Of The Past (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now