A Yasuda Naoki Episode

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"BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT STUPID- I- yo-you're actually really smart!  A-Anyone who ca-can't see that is the stupid one!  I- I know you're smart and i lo- like that about y-you."
- To Amari in a future conversation.  

= Smol boi, Nakajima's words

= He's terrified of dogs because his birth father released rabid Dogs on him when he was little as punishment.  

= He likes to whatch Rom-Coms but tells no one. 

= "The fuck is a Nyah?"

= easily flustered 

= he calls Nakajima Father which Nakajima replies with calling him Son

= He worries a lot about Nakajima after she returned from Blind War, and he watched it

= He has a bunch of photos of Nakajima before and after Blind War

= Won't say it but he really likes Amari

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