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Kaz: How are you today?
Nakajima: Please don't make me think about my life


Mitsuki with a gun to Nakajima's head: What happens if I pull this trigger? Heaven?
Nakajima: Bold of you to assume I'll go to Heaven.


Nakajima: That's greatly offensive to my people.
Kaz: Orphans?


Mitsuki: It's called cauliflower, not ghost broccoli.
Hiromi , eyes wide: I know what I saw.


Moyasu: What happened?!
Senmoka: Do you want the long version or the short version?
Kiyoi: Sh-short??
Kajo: Shit's fucked.
Moyasu: Okay, long.
Senmoka: Shit's very fucked


Shiroi: I think you're still suffering the effects of your party last night.
Luna: All I drank was Redbull!
Shiroi: How many?
Luna: Eighteen.


Senmoka: Damn, the power went out.
Nioi: Don't worry, I got this.
Nioi: *shakes rapidly and starts to light up*
Senmoka: What-?
Nioi: I swallowed a glow stick!
Senmoka, on the verge of tears: WHY WOULD YOU-


Shiroi: I'm not so sure you're stakeout material.
Luna: I'm a chronic insomniac, I was born for this


Senmoka: I've met a lot of pricks in my time, but you, Yasuda, are a fucking cactus.


Nakajima: Everyone knows that Santa is an invention designed by the big five corporations to sell tinsel and video games to an unsuspecting public.
Kaz: The whole "childhood wonder" stage just blew right past you, didn't it?


Senmoka: "Yasuda has no kindness on his soul Amari!"
Amari: "Yes he does!  He kept a bunch of baby ducks!"
Senmoka: "He *kidnapped* them!"


Yasuda: Did you hear that!? Senmoka just threatened to destroy my lego AT-AT!
Moyasu: ...You just threatened to kill her in her sleep.


Yasuda: Hey, do you know the password to Senmoka's computer?
Igarashi: Fuck you, Moyasu.
Yasuda: Hey!!
Igarashi: No, you misunderstood, the password is "fuckyouMoyasu".
Yasuda: Oh, no numbers? Not very safe.


Mitsuki: Man, they look like a real handful. How do you deal with them?
Igarashi and Rozumari, watching Nioi screaming, Yasuda trying to set a sleeping Senmoka on fire, and Kajo choking on air: We don't know either.


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