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🏖 !!!Summer/Beach chapter!!! 🏖

Shiroi is messing with people, not just with a shark fin but drawing things on peoples back with sunscreen and burying people in sand.  She hid Yasuda's leg in a random persons freezer once as well.

Takanori found a piano and played in public.  Any song at all.  He Rick-Rolled a whole crowd because he was tired that day. 

Senmoka makes sandcastles with Moyasu.  They have the best damn moats on the beach.  And yes, Shiroi fucked the whole thing up on purpose by sticking a live fish in it.  Shiroi got in trouble for it. 

When Moyasu isn't building sandcastles with Senmoka then she's baking for everyone else.  Mostly anything she'll cook.  She uses small treats to decorate her and Senmoka's sandcastle, like small people or animals or furniture, seagulls end up eating it when the two leave the sandcastle for even a second. 

Luna is under the shade avoiding everything because she didn't want to be there in the first place.  Shiroi makes her go in the ocean and dunks her, while singing 'Under The Sea'.  She also plays the games on the boardwalk, she emptied a whole damn claw machine. 

Goman didn't want to be there at all Joseph begged him to come along.  So he just sits in the shade and judges everyone there.  Sometimes he'll say his judgments out loud to whoever he's judging and call it 'constructive criticism'. 

Joseph is normally swimming in the ocean and underwater.  He checks on who Goman has recently insulted and apologizes on his behalf.  He also hands out Moyasu's popsicles. 

Kiyoi stays near Marcus but also helps Moyasu in the kitchen by making cold drinks for everyone.  He's the only one who small crabs won't hurt.  He's also the only one who pointed out that a jellyfish most others were 'saving' was a plastic bag, not that a few others didn't notice they just didn't care or wanted to mess with the rest. 

Marcus is either in the water or around Kiyoi.  He helps bury others, but only when they ask to be buried.  So many Ice Buckets have been dumped on this poor fellow. 

Charlie refuses to go in the water to any degree.  She chases around any small object and collects shiny things from the sand.  She also brings up mythological things from the water and ends up scaring the shit out of some people. 

Kajo...... well we all know what he's just sitting down doing if not swimming...

Nioi is constantly underwater.  Spongebob memes everywhere.  How long can she only her breath?  As long as nobody is looking for her then that's when she breaths. 

Rozumari and Igarashi are the only ones keeping the group together.  Making sure no one gets lost, Nioi's not dying, Shiroi doesn't lose Yasuda's leg, nobody swims right after eating, everyone has sunscreen, and Charlie's not trying to cook and eat the fish in the ocean. 

Yuki brings a boat and stays on that all day.  Tried to find a dolphin once.  Didn't work.  Nobody else was allowed on that boat.  "I don't care that you're drowning this is *my* boat, bitch!"

Shin is the main one trying to get on the boat.  He was pushed off once.  If he isn't trying to be on Yuki's boat he can be found anywhere around the shore.  He got a lot of the animals from Luna's claw machine victories. 

Yasuda can't get around by himself because he has to take off his leg so it doesn't get sand or water in it.  He also can't go in the water alone because even the smallest wave can/will take him down.  He has to be helped around.  Shiroi's somewhat nice enough to put his leg in a freezer, a strangers freezer but still.

Amari tried to test out anything he made just for the beach.  He made a very high water pressured gun and a very effective water spinner, just a thing to put in the water to cause a little underwater typhoon.  He's also the one helping Yasuda.  He carries him around so he can get around, and Yasuda tries his best not to notice it. 

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