Chapter 45

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"Fuck i have to get packed." you say feeling drained.

You've just awoken and you look at the clock, "it's 5Am why am I up at 5Am" you say softly.

"Because i'm here darling" Draco says turning on a light.

"Draco!? What the hell! Why are you here?!" you say sitting up shading your face from the light.

"Because y/n i need to talk to you." Draco says sitting down on the bottom of your bed.

"What is it now Draco?" You say clearly annoyed.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for kissing you okay.. I screwed everything up. I screwed us up.. And i screwed you and Cedric up. I'm sorry y/n I really am. I love you so much and I wouldn't want to loose you ever. And I just feel like I am, I feel like as if you hate me.. And if you do i'm sorry y/n. Just say the word and i'll leave you alone okay.."  Draco says.

You can hear it in his voice, he seems stressed..

"But about what is the real question? Is it our relationship or something bigger?" you think to yourself.

"Draco I love you too. But what you did was wrong. I get it, you didn't want us to be a secret anymore. But you should've let me handled it on my own." you say.

You see Draco has tears falling down his cheeks.

"Draco look at me.." you say firmly to him.

He wipes away his tears swiftly and then turns his head to you.

"I love you. I love you so much.. But I think I really need time to myself. It just isn't our time right now.." you say kissing his cheek softly.

"But we can still be friends right.." he says softly looking up at you.

"Of course Draco.." you say starting to lay back down.

Draco gets up and turns off the light so you can go back to bed.
You hear him open the door and leave.

You start to bawl your eyes out. You felt horrible. But you couldn't help feel guilt while being with Draco. You feel horrible about yourself and how you treated others.

" I have no one anymore. No mom, no dad, no Hermione, no Ron, no Harry. No one. I lost everyone. No ones here anymore." you said to yourself as you sobbed.

You missed all of your friends. You haven't talked to anyone in forever it seemed.

          You eventually fell asleep crying.


You woke up to your alarm dinging.

You groaned and turned over but your alarm kept dinging, it was driving you mad.

You got up angrily and turned to off.

"Oh my gosh! I'm going to be late it's 10:30 Am." you say jumping up from bed.

You take a quick shower, put your hair up in the bun, and put on a random hoodie and leggings.

You were not feeling about getting glammed up since you had only 30 minutes to get ready and get to the train.

You quickly packed up and ran over to the train.

You find an empty cart where you could be alone with your thoughts and sit there.


You're  about 30 minutes into the train ride when you hear a knock at the door of your cart.

You look up and see Draco's face.

"Hey y/n." he says softly.

He looked so drained. He looked pale and almost ill looking. You couldn't help but feeling guilty thinking you've caused this.

"Hey Draco, how are you?" you asked knowing he didn't look good he probably didn't feel good either.

"I'm not doing the best but that's okay.. How are you?" he asks still awkwardly standing.

"Same with me.. You can sit down if you want." You say smiling.

"Oh okay then." he says sitting down.

"So.. Since you're my only friend what are we going to do this summer?" You ask smiling at him.

"Yeah.. friend.. i don't really care, we could hang out with Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise if you'd like?" he says looking down at his feet.

"Yeah that sounds amazin-" you started saying.

"You know that's my hoodie right?" Draco says interrupting you.

"Sorry i didn't mean to interrupt y/n.." He says in a apologetic manner.

"Oh.. i'm sorry here you can have it back." you say.

"No. Keep it y/n. It's yours." He says looking away.

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