Chapter 38

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It's a few days after you're incident with Draco.
Cedric had been treating you like a princess ever since it.
Getting you gifts, cuddles and just being there for you.
He understood what Draco meant to you.

"I thought you were going to leave me for Draco to be honest with you y/n..." Cedric says to you.
"Never Ced." you say putting his hair behind his ears.
"I know you may not love me back y/n... But I love you.. So, so much." Cedric says looking into your eyes.
It felt like he was looking into your soul.
"And that's okay if you don't y/n... You've been through so much. I understand darling." Cedric says getting up from your bed giving you a kiss on the forehead.
"I'm going to go back to the Hufflepuff common room." Cedric says opening the door.
"Cedric.." you say.
"Yes?" He replies.
"I love you too." you say smiling.
Cedric smirks as he walks out of the door.

Once he leaves you open a drawer in your side table.
And take out the ring Draco once gave you.
You slide it on your finger and kiss it.
You love him.
But you love Cedric too.
"Why can't I choose one?" you mumble to yourself.
Just then you hear the door open.
It's your roommate.
Pansy Parkinson.

You quickly take the ring off and put it back in your side table.
You knew if she saw it she would tell everyone.
It would spread like wildfire.

"Yuck. Get out y/n I have a friend coming over." She says.
"OoO Pansy is actually getting some action." you say laughing.
"Oh shut up y/n." Pansy says giggling.

You see.
You and Pansy had became friends over the past few days.
Hermione, Ginny and Luna didn't really approve but you didn't really care.

"So who's the "lucky" man?" you say.

"I don't feel comfortable disclosing that info y/n." she says.
"out!" she says pointing to the door.

You grabbed your books and headed to the common room to study for your transfiguration quiz that you have tomorrow.

While studying a boy comes up to you.
One you've never seen before.
"Damn he's hot." you thought to yourself.

"Hello, I'm Blaise." the boy says holding out his hand.
You shake it of course and say "Hello Blaise i'm y/n!".
"Are you new?" you ask the boy.
"No. I'm a 6th year." He says.
"So am I!" you say.
"Well i've seen you in my transfiguration class and I was wondering if you wanted to study with me?" the boy says.

He worded it like a question but said it like a demand so you said yes.

The boy took you to his dorm.

"So y/n... are you seeing anybody?" the boy says sitting down on his bed.

You stand there awkwardly and say "yeah.. I have a boyfriend, Cedric Diggory."

"You know you can sit down." Blaise says.

"Oh yeah sorry.." you say walking over and sitting down on his bed.

After studying with Blaise for about 3 hours you say goodbye.

When you're just about to the door it opens.
You see Draco there with hickeys all over his neck and his hair messed up.

"y/n?" Draco says.
"Oh uhm hey!" you say.
"What are you doing here!" he asks.
"Studying." you say
"Sure you were! With Blaise zabini? There's no way. Wait till I tell everyone about this you slut." he says.

You slap Draco across the face.
"What the hell is wrong with you Malfoy! I didn't sleep with Blaise! We were studying. And I have a boyfriend and judging by the hickeys on your neck so do you. So why do you care?" You say yelling at him.
"Get the hell out of my dorm." Draco says pointing at the door.
"Gladly Malfoy." you say slamming the door on your way out.

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