Chapter 7

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Draco wakes you up and the elves carry your stuff until you have to run into the wall so you and draco put your stuff into carts and run into the wall together and board the train.

While on the train you tell draco that you'll find the cart he's in later but you have to say hi to some people first.

First you go search for the golden trio. You find them and go talk with them for a few and then you try and find luna.
You find luna with neville in a cart and you give them both hugs and talk about summer with them.
Lastly, the one your most excited for you go try to find cedric you boyfriend!

You see his brown hair but then you see someone on top of him making out...
it was pansy
you storm out crying and go to the bathroom and freshen up and go find draco. He is in the cart with crabbe and goyle but you stop in your tracks cause you hear your name.
Your thoughts: " hm what are they saying abt me?"
Crabbe: " didn't you and pansy just break up?"
Draco: "You idiot that doesn't matter i really love her!"
"Who" you think to yourself
"You could do some much better than her!" Goyle says sarcastically
Draco hits him with a book
you almost burst out laughing but you contain your laughter because you really wanna hear the name of the girl draco malfoy fancies
"Y/n is as perfect as it gets!" Draco says
You gasp but not loudly so they didn't hear you
you get butterflies and start to blush
but then you see cedric walking to the bathroom and those butterflies are crushed so you just go into the cart with draco crabbe and goyle. You laid down on draco's shoulder and he motioned crabbe and goyle to get out of the cart.
Draco: "what's wrong y/n?"
You: "Cedric..."
Draco: "What did cedric do!"
You:"He cheated on my with pansy"
Draco was pissed his head was turning red, his fists were in a ball and his jaw was clenched
Draco: " I'll be right back y/n" he says getting up.
When he is almost to the door you grab his wrist
You: "don't go ... stay here with me please"you say as a tear drops down your cheek.
Draco sits back down and you lay your head on his lap as you fall asleep to him playing with your hair.

Draco carries you out of the train instead of waking you up. He then sets you on your bed in your dorm. And unpacks everything for you cause he knows you'd be too sad to do it. He gives you a kiss on your forehead and puts a blanket on you since your always so cold.

You wake up to hermione shaking you awake.
You: "Hermiome how'd i get in here? How'd you get in here?"
You immediately get up and run to the hufflepuff common room. You see everyone huddled around cedric and draco as they're fighting. You get out your wand and use the spell called "Wingardium Leviosa" spell and send cedric flying away from draco.
You put your arms around draco's neck as you hug him. Pansy uses the "Stupefy" spell on me while i wasn't looking. And then hermione see's and says "expelliamus" and breaks pansy's wand and runs over to me and so does ron, harry and cedric. But blaise grabs cedric before he can even reach me.

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