*Chapter 20* Crying

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My head hurt, my body ached, I never wanted to step in that office again. I was on the floor of my apartment against the door, crying quietly. I was mess, I haven't told anyone this but I had severe depression, I would fake being happy a lot, I would drop the act as soon as possible when I was alone. I didn't take my meds, even though I should have. I was abused as a kid always, after awhile everything felt numb. I was able to take a punch or a kick, my father was ruthless. I would fake cry to make him stop, after I knew he left I would stop crying, clean myself up, and act like nothing had happen. Even though bruising were always coming and showing back up on my body, I couldn't feel the pain anymore. Everything was blur, until I was able to leave, even though technically I was kicked out. I packed in a rush, only getting what I needed. 

I couldn't deal with everything happening at once I was so done with everyone. I have been going to this side thing whenever I could. It was pole dancing with a partner, I been to that club more ever since I came back from the hospital. My partner was John, he was a year older than me, his built was strong, our dance he had to pick me up and put me over his head, since I was short and skinny I was perfect for this job and since I worked at the show bunny I could still work here as well since I have a lot experience dancing.  I worked their most busy night, Saturdays, the whole thing in the office happened Friday night, I really didn't want to go but I couldn't let them down. 

I got out of bed finally, I don't even remember getting in bed, my head starts replaying the words Dream had said. I shook my head, forgetting about what he had said, I skipped breakfast and lunch, it was already 5pm, holy shit I slept for a long time.  I saw texts blowing up from Ice, I love her but I really hate her at the moment. I saw a few texts from Dream as well, saying he was sorry and didn't, mean anything he said and it was just in the moment kind of thing.

George didn't text either of them back, he got dressed in the uniform for this new club, it was a tight spandex shorts with a bowtie around his neck, he also was shirtless, he still kept his white sunglasses right on top of his head. He got on sweats and left his apartment, it was 8pm when he got to the club,  he saw a few others not making any eye contact with the others, I only wanted to cry. and go home. 

Of course when he wanted to get up and leave John stopped him. Noticing George was upset.

"Are you alright? You seem off?" Said John.

"Yeah am fine, let's go out on stage." George said avoiding the questions.

They got out on stage, started dancing having a great time, George tension in his body is gone as soon as he steps on stage with John. George was feeling brave tonight wanted to get out his frustration from the previous night, climbed the pole to the top, he was going to try and pull off a trick he hasn't perfected yet. This was dangerous since he practiced only a few times but he wanted to try and pull it off. As he was at the top he swung himself down the pole, making him go upside down, swinging his body around making himself upright as his back is on the pole, landing in a split. The crowd goes wild, John picks up George and swings him around. They looked into each others eyes, George not caring, making himself move closer to John, making the distance close with their lips connecting.

Little did he know someone was watching it all unfold, he tracked George down to check on him, just to see him kiss another man, Dream just watched in the distance. George pulled away, making last minute eye contact, his eyes went wide when he saw Dream starring, he watched as he turned away and left. What the hell just happend? He ran off stage trying to catch up to the taller male, who was already outside walking to his car, to leave and forget what happened in front of him. Dream got in the driver's seat, sitting there, completely out of it. Not knowing what to do, until he heard tapping on his passenger window. Dream looks lost, broken, empty, he looks like a shell of his old self.

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