Telling Him You're Pregnant Pt.3 (Continued)

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\ Story takes place 1 year after the last chapter/

You had decided to take your son and his cousins out on a picnic since it was his first birthday. The warm summer breeze hit the back of your neck as you held the little hand of your creation, whilst walking through the fields of long grass.

"How about here guys, it seems like a nice place to have the picnic?"
You got a chorus of replies from the little children that had all stepped up to the mark to help set up the blanket together.

As you fished out the food to the starving little children, you took a moment to take a look at how much your life had changed over the past few months. Gone are the days of a repetitive life, having to deal with a toxic relationship that was full of drugs and alcohol, if anything Arthur had more of a love for those items than he did for you. Or so you thought

Once you had finished up the picnic you decided to walk the little children back to camp to join the family once more. As they all dispersed into their little groups, you picked up your own child, James Peter Shelby.
You decided on keeping his fathers last name just because simply, it felt right to do so.

He was all snuggled up into your neck when your mother came rushing over to you.
In a hushed tone she stated
"They're here."
"Who are mama?"
"Tommy and Arthur, they are here for James' birthday, got him a gift and wanted to give it to him."
"Well how did they even know when his birthday is or where we even were?"
Then it hit you, Tommy, he has men all over the place watching anyone and everyone, of course he was going to have eyes on his own nephew and his sister-in-law, even if he didn't care about you, you were still the mother of his brothers child, after experiencing what his own son has to go through without a mother, in no way would he want that for James.

As though they were in a movie science you saw them coming from the setting sun, peaky caps on and cigar in mouth. Unmistakable.

You put James down and held onto his lower arm.
As they came to a stop in-front of you and your son, you could see Arthur very carefully start to stare down at James. Frozen and mute, Arthur was taking it all in, the fact that this human was half of him and the woman he supposedly loved and the fact that this was their life. Could have if been his too.

"You doing well? The both of you?"
Tommy asks.
"Yes thanks. You can say hello to him you know Arthur since he is your son!"
As you pick James up so he is the same height as his parents and uncle.

"Oh um ey'up son, how you doing aye?"
Arthur says in the most gentle tone you have her heard come out his mouth.
As James says this he opens up his arms to Arthur as a sign of acceptance.
"Yes now son you know who your dad is aye!"
Arthur says with a big childish grin on his face.
Just as they were getting to know each other James suddenly wanted Tommy, but with Tommy being his usual self he just passed him over to his grandma, and left you and Arthur to talk everything out.

"I don't think you have fully realised on how much I have missed out on until now."
Arthur states
"So your telling me that all it took was for you to take one visit to your son and all of a sudden you want this lifestyle?"
"Pretty much, why?"
"Do you realise how much you have put me through Arthur?"
You say slightly raising your voice at him, but still remaining calm.
"I know and I'm sorry about that."
"But do you know Arthur because I really don't think you do.
I had to put up with your addictions, sorting out a house so it was clean and not a pigsty, then go through pregnancy ALONE, have the worst possible birth and finally starting to deal with the early signs of terrible twos."
You then took a breathe as you felt a weight being lifted off of your back.
"So no Arthur, I don't think you know."
"But that's the thing I want to change it."
As he took his hands in yours, you looked into his eyes, and in that moment you saw something you had never seen ever before. A glimpse of hope, call it the gypsy intuition but you had a good feeling about those words that left his mouth.

"Please, I want to see our son grow up and see him have other siblings, and more importantly for us to grow old together."
"Arthur you don't understand how much I have been wanting to hear those words"

And that was it, you and Arthur made a promise to each other to take every day as if it were your last, and if I'm being honest if that day never happened and it were your last, you would have a whole lot of regrets about not making up with Arthur Shelby.

-So sorry I haven't been posting, school is really busy atm with GCSEs and coursework it is a whole lord of stress, but with me being off for another week I am hoping I get a few more chapters out. Please please please didn't be a ghost reader the more votes I get the more notice I get which means WAY more chapters and imagines/one shots. If you have any other suggestions about future books e.g marvel, Harry Potter etc then let me know <3

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