ChApTeR 8

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„You bit my ass..." Hermione muttered, when she woke up the next morning, next to Narcissa who was kissing her shoulder. She chuckled, and said in a low voice: „Tell me you didn't like it..."

„You would know it's a lie, before I would take a breath to speak."

„That's right..." Narcissa grinned, and stroke over Hermione's back, until she turned around, to face the older witch.

„Did we have had sex six times last night...?"

„Let me think... my desk, my chair, the wall, my book shelf, the sofa.... and my bed... so yes..."

They laughed, and Hermione licked over Narcissa's neck: „I loved it..."

„That's good... oh by the way, Dromeda invited us both for Christmas dinner..."

„Does she knows about us?"

„Not like this... no... but she knows, that I like you..." Narcissa said, and Hermione saw it in her eyes, that there was something... so she asked if everything was alright...

Narcissa nodded: „Yes..." she smiled: „I just guess she was right with what she had said a few years ago..."

„What was that...?"

„Whether I ever considered the possibility of you being my soulmate... and I never believed in things like that... but now... it feels so much stronger than just love, Hermione... and yes, I'm honest, when I'm saying, that it scares me a bit..."

Hermione took her hand, and kissed her fingers, before she whispered: „It's okay to be afraid of something, Narcissa..." and then she told her, how she felt since their first encounter... during the following months, and years, and especially during her hunt after those Horcruxes... she told her, how scared she was, but how down calmed she felt, whenever she had thought about Narcissa...

„Have you ever talked to Ron again, by the way...?" Narcissa asked a few days later at breakfast in the great hall, and Hermione nodded: „Yes... but he just asked me to come back to him, and I've told him..." she started, when a red envelope caught her eyes.

„Oh..." she gasped, and everyone's eyes were on the owl, who flew straight to Hermione, who was hard breathing.

„Oh no... no, no, no..." she muttered when a Howler shivered on her plate.

She heard Narcissa saying: „I got this..." before she took Hermione's hand, pulled her quickly away from all the gazes, through the side door, and pulled out her wand, before the Howler bursted out:


the Howler destroyed itself, and Hermione sank against the wall, and down on the floor. Narcissa followed her down, and placed her hand on Hermione's cheek.

„Breathe Darling... you have to breathe..." Narcissa whispered, and stroke over Hermione's leg with her other hand.

„How dare he...?" Hermione finally whispered, stroking away some tears. „I'm going to kill him for that..."

„No you don't, sweetheart... I will take care of that, and you will probably hate me for saying this, but we have to go back inside..."

„Pretending nothing happened..." Hermione muttered, and nodded: „I've done that before... you're right... but how can you take care of that...?"

Narcissa smirked, and winked at her, before she helped her up... they went back inside, and every eye was on Hermione, who held Narcissa's hand, and smiled...

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