First Day of Work

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"So who were you with, in your room last night, there was a lot of moaning and screaming in there," Meredith questioned Emily as she enters the kitchen.
"His name is Derek, I met him at the bar across the street from the hospital," Emily answered her petite blonde cousin, standing up on her tippy toes to grab a coffee mug.
"You're not the one-night stand type of person, what happened?"
"It just felt different, I don't know how to explain it," Emily murmured while pouring a cup of coffee.
"Cut the love crap you just met the guy!"
"You're such a Debbie Downer."
"No, I'm not, it's just the fact that you don't know anything about this Derek guy"
"And you screw guys like a whore while drunk on tequila, you're lucky you don't have chlamydia or syphilis or something worse," Emily sighed as she walked over to the cabinet to get some Splenda.
"That's uncalled for, Emily! What's this attitude about," Meredith's brow flurried as she frowned at her cousin. "I would assume you would be happy after having a night filled with what sounded like amazing sex," Meredith stared across the room at Emily who is now in the doorway to the kitchen.

Emily sighed sipping her coffee as she leaned into the doorway of the frat house that she called home. There are condoms in the cookie jar for god sake, when Meredith invited her to live with her this was not what she expected her cousin to turn her mother's house into. It was Aunt Ellis' but everything Meredith redid screamed frat house. She appreciated the hospitality but it grossed her out if she was being honest. Emily enjoyed a cleaned area like the next guy but Meredith didn't even realize that you don't leave woads of toothpaste in the sink or if you spit on the faucets you clean it. That was something that annoyed her about her cousin along with the fact that Meredith didn't believe in love, which was what this all started about, but Emily wasn't going to admit it to save herself a useless argument that she's had on several different occasions with her cousin.

"My dead mother who happens to be the reason for all of my problems lately," Emily sighed, "I'm sorry Mer, I took out my anger on you and you were just being nice to me, you don't deserve that."
"Thanks, Em, starting a new job is stressful and you need to grieve your mom in your way, just don't take it out on a patient."
"I'm going to get ready I'll meet you down here in five minutes to go to work."

Emily ran up the stairs and went straight into her room to get dressed in some clothes so she can wear them until she needs to change into scrubs. She mentally decided to wear a blouse and black dress pants. Her one-night stand had already left murmuring something about having to be into his work for ten. Emily had a blast it wasn't just the sex that was amazing they had some pillow talk in between and for some reason it just felt right. Though they hadn't exchanged numbers, which was a shame since he seemed like an amazing guy. Meredith was right Emily wasn't the one-night stand type of girl, she liked to be in committed relationships. So, Emily was a bit weirded out by how everything went down last night.

Neither of them was drunk off their ass, Emily had one drink in her when she met Derek Shepherd. He had just ordered a drink when they met. That factor didn't make sense and by the sounds of it, Derek didn't seem like the one-night stand type either who uses a pick-up line like "do you come here often". She had to laugh but he was so damn handsome and charming, she was drawn to him for some reason and she just couldn't put a finger on why everything went down as it did. All she knew is making a name at Seattle Grace was essential especially since everyone knew her mother, she wants to prove that she has enough talent and ambition to survive the rest of her residency and become a world-class surgeon.


"Emily?" Mer said trying to get her cousin's attention.
"What Mer?"
"We are at the hospital," Meredith frowned looking at Emily, who seemed to be looking off in the distance.
"Oh already, I didn't register even getting in the car, I guess."
"I just have a lot on my mind," Emily sighed, biting her lip while looking at the ground, "Like were your housemates home last night?"
"Nope, just me, they went to that mixer then Izzie rounded on patients and George helped man the ER."

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