Family Matters

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It had been a week since Derek sent his parents and siblings the pregnancy announcement that Emily created. Ever since they put them in the blue mailboxes at the post office, they've both had some mixed anxiety while waiting for the response to roll in. Unsurprisingly, the first phone call came in yesterday from Mark Sloan, Derek's best friend and the man who's like a brother to him.

"Shepherd," Derek answered the phone.
"Shep, man, are you crazy? Wasting your life on some measly girl."
"I'm not wasting my life!"
"Is this a mid-life crisis, man?"
"No, Mark, it isn't, when I met her at the bar across from the hospital, she made my breathing stop. I couldn't think straight, and when we touched for the first time, there was this electricity that I can't explain. I never felt any of this with Addison. It just was magical, Mark, I just felt like I've known her my whole life."

"Ma and dad are beside themselves, they're not sure what to think," Mark sighed.
"The whole baby out of wedlock thing isn't the best, but it's not like it's infidelity."
"Derek," Mark sighed, "are you sure about her man? I mean you just met her. How can you know?"

"Dad knew about mom the moment he met her, I never thought I'd get my love at first sight story, but now I have it, it may not be as fun as ma and dad's but I finally have mine," Derek's voice cracked. "Plus, she's incredibly Mark, she is amazing with Abbie, she amazes me every day in surgery, she's one of the kindest, most loving and caring people I've ever met, she's funny, she makes me feel like I've finally found my home outside of ma and dad's." 

"Man, she has you whipped," Mark laughed. "Is she at least a good fuck?"
"Shut up, Mark, seriously."
"I love you too Shep!" Mark smiled.
"I'd love to continue chatting, but it happens to be time for me to pick up my daughter, she's waiting for me at the school."
"Oh, where's my little niece, Uncle Marky would love to say hi!"
"Waiting for me to come down the line of parent vehicles. I guess I can leave you on," Derek rolled his eyes.
"You better leave me on, don't make me go out to Seattle."

This caused Derek to laugh. "Fine, I'm next in line anyways!"
"Good," Mark sighed. "Man I feel like I haven't talked to you in a while, I miss you!"
"I miss you too, Mark. I'll be home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and Emily will meet you guys at Christmas."

"Well, Ma will love that, especially since she loves that time of year. Have you told them, she's coming?"
"Yeah a week ago, when she found out she got Christmas off, she's the only Neuro resident that surprisingly asked for it off, I mean they're all practically surgery hungry so I'm not surprised, but-"
"Hi, Daddy!" Abbie smiled while getting into the Porsche Cayenne her father was driving.
"Hi, bunny!"
"Hi Munchkin!" Mark said over the phone.
"Where's Uncle Marky?" Abbie squealed.

Mark laughed, "I'm talking to your dad on the phone, Uncle Marky misses you, Munchkin!"
"I miss you too, Uncle Marky," Abbie sighed, "Will I see you when we go home, for Christmas?"
"Munchkin, you're coming home for Thanksgiving too!"
"Will I see you, Uncle Marky?"
"Of course, Munchkin! I'll probably be the one to pick you and your dad up from the airport."
"Oh yay! I can't wait to see you, Nana, and Papa."
"We can't wait to see you either, Munchkin." Mark laughed, "alright munchkin, I have to go to surgery, uncle Marky will talk to you later."
"Bye Uncle Marky!"
"Bye Mark," Derek smiled.


Derek's phone was ringing in the middle of surgery.

"Dr. Shepherd, caller ID says it's Katie." The scrub nurse said, looking at Derek's phone.
"Of course, Kathleen always has the worst timing, she's a psychiatrist so she doesn't understand things like this," Derek sighed under his breath.
"Oh, she is calling to yell or congratulate," Emily stiffened up a bit.
"I'll take it, but not on speaker if you could."
"Of course, Dr. Shepherd."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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