Birthday Fiasco

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"Oh, oh," Emily gasped as she threw up into the toilet in the bathroom down the hall from her bedroom. It had been two months since her first day and the amazing surgery that she performed with Derek. As well as the drinks from the bar. He has since been rather flirty towards her. They even have been on another date across the city which led to some more amazing sex.

Emily hated to admit but she was infatuated with Derek and all she wanted was to go on a third date soon, but they both are always working and Derek could only do certain times on his days off, it was strange to Emily but she was understanding and didn't want to pry about anything that may lead her into a rabbit hole quite yet. She wanted to keep it at a moderate to slow speed. All her past relationships had burnt out at a fast speed. He didn't seem to mind the speed. All she knew is she didn't want to out their relationship to the hospital until it became official and until they both felt it was time.

The convenience of this day off as they both happened to have it off. She was set to go shopping at the mall with Shylee for the afternoon then she was free for the rest of the day. She was picking Shylee up at her apartment and then she was thinking of calling Derek's afterward or possibly surprising him with a visit. He had given her the coordinates to his trailer in the woods. She wasn't sure if he did so for an invitation to his house or a booty call as the kids may call it. Emily had to laugh at herself as she was driving, booty call was a movie in 97' which was nine years ago. She may be 28 but she never expected to think like she was 50 quite yet.

Emily has always been mature for her age, she even graduated high school 2 years earlier. She went from an eighth-grader to a junior. She was doing high school work as a seventh-grader at her middle school. Always receiving high marking on the standardized tests and receiving a 4.0 GPA in high school, college, and med school. She had gotten her mother's smarts. Everyone at the hospital was starting to realize that she got her mother's surgical talents too.

"Earth to Emily!" Shylee yelled as she got into Emily's car.
"Hi," Emily smiled at her best friend, "what is it?"
"Dude I texted you, you didn't answer."
"Oh," Emily sighed.
"You're lucky that you found front row parking I always struggle getting decent parking."
"Well...Oh, my God, today's the 14th, shut up."
"Yeah, it's your birthday that's why I suggested shopping."
"I didn't even realize, but I was just thinking god, I'm acting 50 but I'm not 50 I'm 28. I guess I'm 29."

If there was one thing that people didn't know about meeting Emily, she got on topics. She usually was stubborn about it and matters on the subject she was dramatic too. It was known to drive certain people crazy, her last boyfriend hated it so much and they'd always get in fights, it was a never-ending loop of fights.

"So where do you want to go first?" Shylee asked as they walk into the mall.
"I need to get something for my stomach, I been throwing up for the past few days." Emily frowned.
"Does ginger ale seemed to help?"
"A little, but I think I just need to stop by the drug store after lunch and get some Pepto-Bismol."
"Well, if you need to cut this short let me know," Shylee frowned looking at her friend.
"I should be fine Shy," Emily tried to smile but she felt the urge to throw up.
"You look like shit."
"I'm fine. Let's just go shopping and I promise I'll let you know if I need to leave at all."

They start weaving in and out of stores looking at what interested them and buying anything that they adored. Emily was trying to stay strong she wanted to enjoy her day with her best friend but as she was stepping up into the changing room of Rue 21, a nauseous spell hit and she tripped over the little step up into the changing rooms. Twisting her right ankle in a weird position and falling on her side hard.

"Ow," Emily yelled getting up from her spot on the ground. Getting up made her realize a pain when she stepped down which was fucking great. Emily hoped it was nothing major and it was just bruised but as she continued into the changing room to try on the clothes that she had originally picked out to try on, the pain only seemed to get worse. She had surgery tomorrow afternoon with Derek and she was hoping she'd be fine and not be sidelined for something broken that's all she needed right now.

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