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Nora POV

     Everything has been going great since (Y/n) came into my life, I've never been so happy to have someone to look after, even if some of the others don't approve, I try to not let it get me down. But I know even if I do that (Y/n) knows how to make me smile again, (Y/n) has put on a healthy amount of weight and I deemed him ready for combat. The others may not think having raising a kid is best because he can't defend himself, which is one thing that does make sense, so I wanted to start training him to defend himself should he come up against a Grimm. So, today I have brought him for some one on one training between me and him.

Nora: Ready?

(Y/n): *nods* Mhmm.

Nora: Alright, take your fighting stance.

    He does so and brings his fists up in a defensive manner just like I've been teaching him and his feet are wide apart to keep him balanced and stable.

Nora: *adjust stance a little* Very good, sweety. Now, *brings out punching bag* punch this for as long as you can.

(Y/n): Ok, Mommy.

     (Y/n) starts punching away while keeping his stance, for a six year old he sure can deliver powerful punches, when I took him in I could tell that his Aura was very strong so I kinda excited to see his full potential.

(Y/n) POV

      I continue punching the huge bag even though I'm somewhat tired, but as I do, that voice sounds in my head again.

????: The time is coming, you cannot keep me locked inside forever. *ROAR*

(Y/n): AHHHH!

Nora: (Y/n)?! *turns me to her* Baby, what's wrong?

(Y/n): *holds his head in pain* No, get away!

Nora: Sweety, it's Mommy. I'm here now.

(Y/n): No, get away!

Nora POV

      (Y/n) suddenly releases a roar so powerful that it knocks me away, destroys my Aura and levels the training room, as well as being heard probably all across Atlas. The roar dies down as Ren, Jaune and Oscar rush into the room, Ren is quick to check on me while Jaune and Oscar check (Y/n).

Ren: Nora, are you alright?!

Nora: *groans* Yeah, I'm good. (Y/n)?!

    I try to get up but my body felt weak and I couldn't stand on my own.

(Y/n) POV

      The voice finally goes away and I start to hear the voices of Jaune and Oscar, I open my eyes and look at them both.

Jaune: Thanks goodness. Are you okay?

(Y/n): I-I don't- * looks around at the destruction* Wh-What happened?

Oscar: We were hoping you could tell us.

(Y/n): I-I'm training just like Mommy- *gasp* Mommy!

Nora: I'm okay, sweety.

     I look and see Daddy helping Mommy to her feet, I run over to Mommy and wrap my arms around her.

(Y/n): I'm sorry! I'm sorry! *starts crying heavily*

Nora: *kneels down* *embraces (Y/n)* It's okay, I'm not mad at you. I'm just glad you're okay.

Nora POV

       (Y/n) continues to cry while I hold him tight, I hum his favorite song to help calm him down. He eventually stops crying and Ren suggests we go see Pietro to help us investigate more about (Y/n). I've been putting it off because I didn't want to put (Y/n) through those painful memories again but now I can't avoid any longer, I need to know what's ailing (Y/n) and how I can fix it.

Timeskip Pietro's Lab

Pietro: Ah, Ms. Valkyrie. I was wondering when you would be stopping by.

Nora: I assume you heard the roar?

Pietro: Heh, who didn't hear it? It was heard all the way in Mantle.

Nora: *eyes widen in shock* I'm sorry?

Pietro: Oh yeah, the people in Mantle said they heard a loud, terrifying roar come from Atlas and are demanding answers from General Ironwood.

Nora: *sigh* Great.

(Y/n): *sniffles* I'm sorry.

Nora: *kneels down* Hey, it's alright. This was something out of your control.

(Y/n): But this thing, this Snake, is inside me head always taunting me. What can I do? *starts crying again*

Pietro: It's alright, boy. The key to stopping whatevers inside you starts with trying to understand what it is first. You said the creature had the body of a snake?

(Y/n): *crying slows* *sniffles* Yes, but it was bigger than the biggest mountains or the widest oceans. It had purple eyes, it's very breath is a poison gas, and when he attacks in my head he releases a poison breath.

Nora: *shocked* My god.

Pietro: Hmm. Nora, you told me that one of the priests called this entity the Midgard Serpent, correct?

Nora: Yeah?

    Pietro starts thinking while I hold (Y/n) close to me.

Pietro: Of course!

Nora: What?

Pietro: Now I remember where I'ce heard that name. *goes and grabs old book* It's in Atlas' earliest days when people first settled here, ancient texts read of ancient gods and monsters from times long past. *looks through pages* Yes, here it is. The Midgard Serpent, or Jormungandr, one of the three children of Loki, the god of Mischief, Jormungandr was cast out by Odin, King of the Gods, to Midgard, or Remnant, and instead of dying in the oceans, the serpent drank the oceans and grew to a size so great he wrapped around the entire world. Jormungandr, is said to help bring about Ragnarok, the end of the world by battling Thor, the God of Thunder, with both combatants perishing.

      Mind officially blown, I can't believe something so powerful and destructive is inside my son. But why?

Nora: So, if this happened way before modern times, why is this Serpent still kicking and taking over my (Y/n)?

Pietro: That I cannot answer, but what I can say is that if this thing is what's inside (Y/n) then we may be in danger. Unless he can control this monstrosity, then the world is at risk.

      This revelation only bred more questions that no one had the answers to. How is this monster alive? Why was it brought here? What is the fate of my son if this thing break loose? And can we stop it if it does? I hold (Y/n) tight as we head back to the dorm room, we sit in silence just trying to process everything that's been revealed.

Jaune: Nora?

     I look up to my friends with tears apparently because Ren walked up to us and wiped them away.

Ren: Whatever happens, you are still our friend and we've got your back all the way.

Nora: *smile returns* Oh guys. Thank you.

    I pull Ren into a hug and I gesture for everyone to join in a big group hug, I felt so much better knowing my friends were going to be there to help, always.

(A/N): If you haven't figured it out by now, then what did you think of the reveal? I had the hardest time thinking about what direction I want to go in this story. So I hope you will all enjoy this because shit is about to get real.

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