Unsavory Solution

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Nora POV

      Ruby is explaining to us what we can do to not only save Atlas but find a way to save my (Y/n), who is rampaging through Atlas as the Midgard Serpent, Jormungandr.

Ruby: Okay, what if we use the Atlesian Bullheads to attract (Y/n) towards the Grimm horde. If Salem sees a giant Serpent rampaging against her forces, that is something she can't ignore. Nothing short of a God would be able to destroy (Y/n), he'll be okay Nora.

Nora: *sniffles and nods* When I tried talking him down he didn't even flinch before he attacked us. *sniffles* I just want my baby back!

Ren: *hugs Nora* We'll find a way to save him, but right now he's our best shot at beating back Salem, you and I can use the time to find a way to reverse his transformation.

3rd Person POV

       Nora finally calms down and Winter gives the bullheads orders to lure (Y/n) towards the Grimm horde. The bullheads fly into action and fire missles at the massive monster, Jormungandr responds and tries to strike at the bullheads but misses. Jormungandr then fires his Poison Breath taking out a few of the Bullheads, but then starts chasing after the others. More bullheads show up to keep the monsters attention until Grimm start appearing, the bullheads pull back and retreat to Atlas. Salem herself see this and wonders what could be their intention, only to be distracted by the now city sized monster.

Cinder: What the hell is that thing?!

Watts: It can't be one of Ironwood's.

Salem: No, but this thing will disrupt our plans unless it's destroyed.

      With that all the Grimm attack the levithan, Jormungandr shakes his upper body a bit and with releases a cloud of poison, the Grimm start dropping like flies and turn to ash. Meanwhile, Team RWBY, Penny and the Ace Ops are focused on evacuating Mantle, now that Jormungandr can't fit on Atlas anymore and was forced to move to the ground. Oscar and Team JNR are helping Pietro sift through anything that might help them stop Jormungandr.

Oscar: Oh man, we'll never find anything like this.

Nora: We can't give up! (Y/n) didn't ask for this curse, we have to save him.

Jaune: It seems the cult that we found (Y/n) with wasn't very good at keeping records either.

Pietro: *gasp* Of course, why didn't I think of that earlier?!

Ren: What is it?

Pietro: It's like Ruby said, 'Nothing short of a God'.

Nora: But we can't just kill (Y/n), he's an innocent 6 year old boy that was used as a pawn we can't just kill him!

Oscar: Nora-


Pietro: Maybe not kill him, but maybe weaken Jormungandr to a point where (Y/n) can reassume control and calm the raging monster. In myth, Jormungandr was cast out because the Asgardians only saw him as a monster, he just wants to be accepted.

Ren: He needs to feel love again?

Pietro: Exactly.

Jaune: Well, that's great but where are we going to get the powers of a god?

Nora: *slight gasp* The cultist's ritual.

      Meanwhile, Jormungandr has grown to the size of the largest mountain, and none of the Grimm horde aren't making a scratch on him. His cloud of poison has taken over the Grimm cloud and the liquid that started to infect the river running just outside the city. Salem orders her Monstra to attack, and the Grimm headbutts Jormungandr's chest, which while it knocked him off balance, Jormungandr was unfazed and quickly recovered.

Male Child Reader x Nora (RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now