Chapter One: Sneaking through the town

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John yawned, bearing his fangs when he was awoken by the sound of the morning horn that echoed through the sleeping chambers. He grumbles as he sits up and runs his hands through his locks of hair. John aimlessly gropes around for his glasses and slipped them on in their usual spot. John Hops off the hammock he slept in and stretches his muscles and crack his joints; a soft moan escaping his lips as he did so. Stretching his wings and letting his slick tail swing freely, john gets changed into his work clothes for the day.

Jumping down through the gaping hole in the floor john lands in the dining hall as sees his fellow demons swarming around the kill the hunters got for breakfast. John smiles and flies over snatching a piece for himself to eat. Hunters always had gotten good food for everyone, which made them happy. Shame, the hunters never asked for anything back. He bites through the leathery skin of the animal as his tail swings in delight, savoring the taste.

Soon he had finished his meat and wiped his mouth, tossing the napkin into the trash once he was done. Wandering over to rest in a chair, Johns mind began to be consumed with thoughts. 'Well, I do have a free day but all I have to figure out is what to do...maybe I should go mess with the humans, yeah I'll do that.'

He takes off into the skies to scope out. Nearby village in the horizon. He spots one and smirks slightly, turning invisible to stay hidden from human eyes that might wander into the sky. Within a few minutes john is over the town. "It's quite...that's werid.." he states, usually it would be time for the humans to start their daily business. He gently hovers above the ground before gingerly landing by the fountain. He looks at the shops, empty and lifeless.

John spends his time walking around, peering through glass windows with confusion. 'Are they still asleep?' He thinks and looks through the bedroom window of one house. Surely there was one asleep in his bed, though he was about to leave but something about this one caught his fascination. John uses his magic to go straight through the side of the building and enters this human's room.

'Hmm..this is nice, for a human I guess'  he thinks giggling softly to himself. John was overall pretty nice to others but being a trickster, they knew knew not  to piss him  off if they were smart. John looks around, running a hand along the beside table and picking up a pair of sunglasses, back turned towards the human.

He had turned back to normall, no longer invisble to anyone seeing as they were asleep. "Now why would someone need sunglasses when it's always cloudy here-.." John froze when he heard a groan coming from behind him, but before he could fully turn to see, he got pushed to the ground "AHH!-"

((Soon, we will get to know what's happens :3 ))

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