Chapter Three: Settle down and discuss..

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John had rolled his eyes at bit , obviously getting bored with this shenanigan . He tosses the sword out of his face with a gentle flick of his hand. " Well I might tell me if you get this sword out of my face. It's not the most pleasant thing to see..." Dave obliged put away his sword , returning it to its sheath. Dave moved back to sit on his bed while he looks down at the demon before him. "Well..go on and speak already.." Dave said with a irritated tone.

"So.." John started "Basically I flew from the clan and decided to wander around here... But, there wasn't a lot of people out like that normally is so naturally, I went to sleep around looking through windows and stuff blah blah blah then I kind of went into your room aaaand thats when  the whole pinning me down thing happened...and here we are"

Dave sat there dumbfounded, staring blankly at John. 'is this kid serious right now? Either way I guess I have to be nice... Better late than never I suppose' Dave pinches the bridge of his nose with a sigh.

" The name's Dave Strider, what's yours?"

John smiled happily as his tail swung behind him " John Egbert , trickster demon at your service!" he giggles and gave a playful salute to dave.  That earned a small chuckled from dave, but his leps only cracking a slight smile from his blank expression.

"Well, John... I guess you're not all that bad for a demon . Feel free to stay here if you want but I got to get back to bed, ya know a man's gotta sleep." Dave stated as he turned off the lamp light next to the bed and climbed back under the covers. 'Wait...did I just openly allow a demon to basically do whatever he wants while I sleep? Ugh, I'm way too tired for this..' he sighs, turning his back to john who sat on the floor.

John still wide awake on the other hand, look at Dave who was getting comfortable in the bed. He conceals his wings into his back , but lets his tail stay free. He's gently blinks his blue eyes and proceeds to crawl over to where Dave was. Gently kneading his hands at the bed sheets,  he climbs into bed next to Dave. Letting a soft purring sound emit from his chest john snuggles next to him, a gently smile painted on his lips as his eyes flutter close.

The thing about John was that he was very lovable for demon. Always easy going, no need to be threatened by him,  he never really fought anyone before because there was no need to in the first place. He could form bonds very quickly with random strangers; in this case he felt thank you confirm when those bonds with Dave. Even though he might have snuck into his house and was threatened with a sword, but hey, some relationships start that way. And some even grow more from that.

Dave peeked open an eye John was now laying next to him in his bed... With him. Not to mention, that Dave was only wearing boxers right now but John was fully clothed. 'Okay strider.. Calm down, just some demon in your bed with you nothing to worry about. Just go to sleep and you'll be fine' Since john starting to fall asleep with his eyes closed, that would give Dave a chance to look over the demons features. John was actually pretty cute for a demon, soft gentle features not to mention how cute he looks like he sleeps. His ruffled black hair all messy while he sleeps and soft gentle snoring he makes. Dave let out a little sigh, she seriously couldn't be crushing on John since he just met him.

A few hours had passed and  John woke up lazily, he looks around and find that dave was missing from the bed. He pulls over the covers and sits up, rubbing his eyes and putting back on his glasses that had managed to slide off while he was sleeping. "Dave...?" He called out, seeing a light that was turned on down the hall. John took off walking towards the hall light and stepping down the stairs being careful like he was warned many times by his fellow demons. He found even the kitchen what seems like cooking he decided to step closer and find out what he was making.

(( sorry I do short chapters but I can always write super long ones, I might be making another one today or tomorrow, we'll see when I have time))

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