Chapter Six: Bonding and Blood Sucking

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Both John and Dave had spent the past few weeks together during most of the day. John always had to return home to make sure that his dad knew where he was, but he didn't really mind as long as John had came back every few days. During those few weeks John and David became very close friends , maybe even to both of them hoping that they were something more.

Dave wouldn't openly admit it, but he actually been forming crush on this little demon that he knew. Okay maybe it wasn't a small crush but a really big one that he couldn't help. Everything just felt right with john, he practically do anything he wanted to in front of John no matter how embarrassing it could have been and vice versa Though John on the other hand  couldn't keep his crush a little secret to himself as well as Dave could.

They both knew they had a crush on each other and was hoping one of them to confess.  John was forgetting an important detail about his demon form. He forgot he needed blood every few days; best if it was daily feeding. John has been keeping to himself more; Staying put on the couch, his tail curling around itself as he occasionally let's out soft whimpers that only made dave raise a brow in question to his actions.

The two of them had been sitting in Dave's room , watching a movie that started to make him lose interest.  John tends to look at Dave often during the movie, sometimes David catches him looking and dave just smirks, making john flustered. "Hey Dave? Can we... Maybe watch or actually stop watching the movie, not to be rude or anything its just that it's getting kind of borJohn giggles awkwardly. Dave nods  and take the remote to turn off the movie and the tv. "So what would you like to do now, hmm?" dave says looking over to John.

To be perfectly honest, John actually wanted some of Dave's blood. He couldn't help himself, Dave did smell very good; the hot ,sweet blood running through his veins. It was just getting John excited, he really wanted to have a taste but he didn't know how Dave would  react to it.

"Actually ... I was wondering if you would let me uh..." "Let you what...? You know you can tell me John doesn't matter what it is." Dave answered John's statement. " I was hoping... that you would let me suck some of your blood.."

Dave,  with a straight face looked over to John to see if he was serious. And he was by the look on John's face. Dave rubbed behind his neck, pondering for a little bit. Finally deciding, Dave shrugged. "Sure why what you gotta do. Just don't suck me dry."

John smiles happily as Dave agrees to let him suck some blood. He moves into Dave's lap, since it was night his glowing eyes pierce the darkness in the room with vibrant blue colour. He rests on one thigh of Dave's leg, his tail untucking from his pants and swaying freely and gently gripping onto daves other thigh. His wings only stayed concealed until he needed to fly.

Dave doesn't question John's actions and leans back against the couch  and an arm over the edge. John giggles slyly and could feel his body heating up with excitement and a hint of lust. For some reason, when he sucks bllod he gets this way but not like this.

John leans in to suck on daves neck, bringing the blood up to the surface of the skin. "Nmm..fuck.." Dave moans softly at the sucks. Part of dave was just waiting for the bite to come but he tries to focus on the pleasure he got from john. 

John begins to think 'god...I can barely contain myself. Even his skin tastes delicious, can't even imagine what his blood tastes like' Continuing the sucking john gets a little too excited. Dave could suck start to feel a certain something poking into his body, but shrugged it off.

Quickly baring his fangs, john bites into the skin and closes his eyes in pleasure at the taste of Dave's blood hitting his taste buds. Dave stiffens at the bite but relaxes soon and closes his eyes. John pulls away and his tail starts rubbing at daves leg, while the blood seeps out of the bite mark.

John laps up the flowing blood, moaning softly himself, enjoying the succulent blood. He soon stops so he wouldn't take all of Dave's bloos, using a little bit of magic he seals up the oozing mark he made with his sharp teeth.

"Damn john..that kinda felt good.." John had to snap out of the little trance he was in; his eyes getting glazed over with lust looking up and down daves features, and his tail getting dangerously close to daves crotch.

"Woah, hey now...don't turn into a horny sex crazed demon on me." Dave joked with a chuckle and he rested his hands on John's slim hips. "I think.." John panted in between. His words "It might be too late for that.."

((Huehuehue, I am positive that this is going to be NSFW in the next chapter for my pervy readers. It may be spread across two chapters or it will be one really long chapter. Feedback is always appreciated especially comments and votes. Hopefully you'll be looking forward to the next chapter that will probably be posted more than likely tomorrow or if I decide to later today. I guess that's all for now so hopefully you'll be excited to read the next one

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