Chapter Four: A day at home

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Dave, you know very well that you weren't cooking a damn thing. He pulls over a bag of chips and a bottle of apple juice, typical meal og the strider household. Passing by John , dave moves to rest on the couch with his so called meal. 'Close enough' Dave thought as he opened the packaged and popped a chip into his mouth, munching away.

John on the other hand was confused. He had never been introduced to human snack food, so the odd cruch of the food weirded him out a bit. He perches on the arm on the couch and leans to inspect the food. "What...what is that?" John asked. "Just chips," Dave offered the bag to him "want some?" He offered with his mouth full of chips. John was hesitatant, but he reached out and pulled out a chip that was dusted with nacho cheese flavoring. John was only really used to animals the hunters caught for the clan, not any human food.

He bites into the chip, cringing at the odd flavor and the crisp texture. "Never had doritos before?" Dave asks with a brow raised, and sips the juice box. "No.. it's werid.." John smacked his lips a bit, and swallowed the substance. "I don't know how you can eat that.." Dave put on a fake offended expression "Don't dis the doritos man" John giggles and sunk down into the spot next to Dave, who was still wearing the boxers patterned with records.

"So," John started "what's on the agenda for today?" He asked in a cheery tone. "Dunno, just relaxing around the house" John groaned and flopped onto daves lap, peering his eyes up to him; his face showed he was clearly thinking about something. Dave let out a soft hum of question as he looked down at the playful demon he let into his home.

"Hey dave..," "Yeah John?" "Ever met someone where you fell like you've known they for like, you're entire life..but you've only just met them?" Dave though for a moment before replying "Hmm can't say I have..." John pouted a little at that reply. "Until now" Dave smiled softly down at John to see his expression turn from sad to happy. John smiled "is that someone me?~" he coos softly. "Of course it is you dork" Dave chuckle and let out a sigh.

"So tell me John.." Dave said as he set down his food "Why was it me? I mean you could have gone into anybody's house.. But you chose mine. Did some kind of mystical force  bring you to  me?" john  sat up again and pondered for a little bit. 'Was there anything that really brought me here?' John thinks. "Actually, no there wasn't... I just happened to come into your room. But and i guess there's something about you, that did bring me to you." John sighs softly before continuing "Maybe it was that you accepted me..I mean we're resting on this couch when most people would actually kill me by now..."

Dave looked at john with a soft sigh "Now who would even think about trying to kill you, I mean you don't pose a threat or anything and you certainly didn't kill me. So I guess we're cool." John let out a sigh of relief, glad Dave didn't hate him after all. "Well that's good~"  john giggled.

To Dave John's laughter was the cutest thing ever, no amount of sparkles and puppies and kittens could ever match his little charm. John was simply adorable to Dave.  Sure dave had been teased for liking guys, but he never let it bother him. Whenever someone asked if he was gay, Dave would always replied with 'you like who you like, doesn't matter what gender they are'. That was a phrase Dave had learned from his older brother when he was still around...

John, still didn't really know who he likes better or rather... What his sexuality was. Sure he can be nice with everyone and even close to anyone he wanted. Though, he never really thought about dating someone before. He kind of figured he could get along with everyone regardless of gender. To be honest to himself, even in the short time that he knew Dave ,which was only like a few hours, he could feel himself becoming more attached to Dave. As if it was the right thing to do at this very moment.

The two of them sat in silence, it wasn't  awkward or anything, just comfortable and peaceful. They actually had been sitting there for a full 45 minutes, before Dave had spoken up. "Egderp..mind if I call you that? Anyway I'm just gonna go change..feel free to get up and wander around." John nodded as he watched Dave leave the room and head back to his bedroom . And taking the time to look around , he noticed a simple picture frame by the bookshelf. As curiosity got the best of John, he jumps up and off the couch making his way over to the picture he spotted in the corner of his eye.

Examining the picture, not daring to touch it with his hands, he notices Dave along with another standing next to him . There was resemblance was the man and Dave: the light pale blonde hair, each of them did have a pair of shades, Dave had the rounded pair he saw from his dresser  for last night. The taller man had a pair but they were pointed in shapes resembling triangles.

Dave had returned fully dressed in his regular clothes; A pair of black pants and a loose red shirt. He had seen where John was and walked over to where he was looking at the pictures that John was also looking at. " Dave..." John spoke. "Who is this man next to you?"

((Ok, so I tried my best to make this chapter longer. If you need clarification, and thinking about making Dave Homksexual and John pansexual. I just think it's cute that way. And they listen to my advice and my friend give it a little bit of a cliffhanger . I'll try and make another chapter later tonight instant on it and hopefully get another one done sometime tomorrow. That's all for now hopefully you'll be enticed to read the next chapter when its out))

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