Welcome Aboard the St. Anne Cruise Liner!

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It had been days since your first encounter with Team Rocket. Ash had won a Thunder Badge from Vermilion City. You had weighed up battling Serge, but ultimately didn't want your Pokémon on the wrong end of one of those electric attacks. There had been plenty of visits from Team Rocket up to that point. The three troublemakers had even done a cheer for Ash before his battle with Serge! It was quite odd, but a nice gesture either way. It was a miracle that Misty recognised them.

These visits from Team Rocket had made you warm up to them even more. You felt that there was more to them than just evil appearances and pretty faces. Talking about pretty faces, you were surprised Brock hadn't fallen in love with Jessie like all the other girls you had seen.

Your friends didn't know this, but you had picked up and kept the rose from your first encounter with Team Rocket. There was something about that red flower that you loved, though couldn't quite put your finger on it. The thorns on the rose hurt like hell; you learnt that the hard way. Luckily, no-one had noticed you toying with the flower.

You had come to look forward to Team Rocket visiting you four, even though you refused to accept it.

Now, you, Ash, Misty, and Brock were all venturing towards the next gym.

"Wow guys, look at that!" Ash gasped, pointing at a large cruise ship.

"Woah! I'd love to ride a ship like that, think of all the Pokémon we'd see on the way!" Brock gasped.

"For sure!" Misty agreed, "just imagine, sunbathing on deck all day... Just a nice, long, relaxing cruise!"

"But we could never afford a cruise like that," you point out awkwardly. Misty made a noise of sadness.

"Reality can really bum you out," Ash sighed. You all walked miserably away from the cruise ship along the path you were taking.

"Congratulations!" came two female voices out of absolutely nowhere, "you guys are way lucky! You get to go on a super deluxe sea cruise!"

"A sea cruise?" you all ask dumbly. You wonder about whether this was legitimate in the back of your mind.

"Well, it's like, we have these super cool tickets for you!" the girl with orange hair gushed.

"Cool!" the other girl agreed. She had short yellowish-blonde hair.

"Cool, huh?" the first girl asked, showing off the tickets, "these are tickets for the coolest party ever onboard the St. Anne cruise liner!"

"The famous St. Anne?" Ash asked.

"Cool!" the yellow-haired girl gushed.

"The coolest ship on the sea!" the orange-haired girl nodded, "everyone's going to be there and have like the coolest party!"


"And the party's for Pokémon trainers only!"


"Step this way!" the first girl invited.

"Hehehehehe!" the second girl giggled. You doubled over in laughter and tried to contain it. You got a couple of looks from your friends and the schoolgirls.

"S-Sorry," you apologize, "I shouldn't laugh. I'm sure my laugh sounds way worse than yours."

The orange-haired girl blinked. So that's what she was giggling about. Damn it, James! You're going to blow it, she thought angrily. "It'll be a radical party," she covered up, "all the most radical Pokémon trainers will be there!"

"Do you know anybody who says 'radical' any more?" you heard Ash ask in an undertone to Misty.

"Mm-mm," Misty said, shaking her head.

"Okay dudes!" the orange hair girl smiled, "here are your tickets!"

"We'd love to go on the Pokémon trainer cruise, but we really don't have the money to pay for it," Brock admitted.

"Oh, woah, like, you don't understand!"


"They're totally free!"

"Huh?" Ash asked.

"Totally free! To-ta-lly free!"

"For free? Why are you giving them away?"

"Well, like, we had to go out with our boyfriends but we wanted to give our tickets to cool Pokémon fans!" the girl who did most of the talking explained. She looked really bummed out about it.


You were starting to wonder why the yellow-haired girl only ever said 'cool'. Ignoring what was happening, you studied them intently, but tried not to draw suspicion. Something about the yellow-haired girl was familiar to you. You felt yourself blushing for no apparent reason and looked away. Was that gay? That's impossible, you panic to yourself. It was just hot out here. You didn't have a problem against gay people, you just thought yourself to be straight.

"We saw you and thought you were really cool. Just take these and have a really cool time," the first girl said nicely, handing the tickets to Ash.

"Thanks a lot!" Ash grinned, taking the tickets gratefully.

"No sweat!"


"Have a nice day, for sure!"

The girls made slightly disturbing grins and skipped weirdly away. Ash grinned and held up the tickets. "Alright!" he cheered, "we get to go on the St. Anne!"

"How many tickets are there?" Misty asked.

"One, two, three, four! Wow, that was lucky!" Ash said.

"Well, it makes sense, there were two girls. They had to go out with their boyfriends, so maybe they were originally coming too," Brock noted.

"Yeah..." you trail off, "but they looked a bit familiar, don't you think?"

"What do you mean by 'familiar'?" Misty asked interestedly.

"I-I know it sounds crazy, but I think those girls were really Jessie and James in disguise."

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