Actually Escaping the St. Anne This Time

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"Alright, follow me!" Misty cheered. "Brock, your turn!"

"Onix, make a staircase!" Brock ordered, releasing Onix at the broken stairs. You all rushed up Onix, then Brock returned it.

"Where are we going?" James asked.

"To the top of the ship! Well really, the bottom, but since we're upside down, it's the top! To the hull, to be exact," Misty replied, walking down the hallway.

The more you walked, the more the ship seemed to become metal. Soon enough, the walls and floor and ceiling were all made of metal. Misty gasped. "Okay, through this door and-

The door Misty was open fell off its hinges and into the room- that was full of fire! It was blazing hot and nearly made you sweat. You all nervously edged onto the platform that was still standing.

"We'll have to go across," Ash said, determined to escape, "go, Bulbasaur!"


"Bulbasaur, use your vines and extend them-

"-to the stars above?" Jessie and James interrupted, cheeky grins on their faces. You couldn't help but burst into laughter with them.

Ash shook his head in disbelief. "No, not to the stars above, but to the other platform. We'll cross them."

"Bulbasaur, bulba!"

Bulbasaur reached its strong vines to the other end. Ash and Jessie walked across, then Misty, Brock and Meowth. You were about to cross when James wasn't moving.

"Hey, what's wrong?" you ask.

"I'm scared," James admitted shamelessly, looking fearfully at the fire.

"It's okay," you smile, "I'm scared too. But is that gonna stop us?"

"I-I don't know... you cross, and I'll stay here! I'm fine staying here."

"James! You can't stay here, you'll either burn or drown to death. Now come on. We'll cross together."

James looked at your genuine kindness and concern for him. He sniffed and wiped his nose. "O-okay."

You held James's shaking hands and began to walk over the vines. His hands were warm to hold, and you felt how you did when you shook hands earlier. You immediately started getting nervous, and almost lost your balance. James gave a high-pitched scream. A giggle slipped out of your mouth.

"It's okay! Won't happen again," you smile, "look, you're so close! We've almost made it."

"Mm... okay," James muttered, eyes fixed on the fire beneath him.

With about a metre left until the end of the vines, you started moving a little faster. Your foot touched the metal platform, which was joined by your second foot.

"Ready?" you asked James.

"For what?" he asked nervously, about to reach the platform.

"For this!" you laugh gleefully. You picked James up by his waist and swung him to the platform instead of him just walking. He shrieked in surprise, of course. But you thought it was cute.

"I-I did it," James muttered, still trembling from what he just did.

"Well done," Jessie grinned, then whispered something in James's ear you couldn't quite hear.

"HEY! JESSIE!" James whined. His face was a bright red and you wondered what Jessie had told him. Jessie seemed to be having a good time, though, cackling and clutching her stomach.

"C'mon, let's go!" Ash grinned, and you all followed him.

You ran after Ash with James. "You okay?" you ask James, "you still look a bit frightened."

"Yeah, I'm okay," James sighed, "just... still a little in shock."

"That's okay. I'm still a little shocked as well."

"You are? I'd have thought that you were super brave, like Jess or even that girl Misty."

"Nah... I'm a bit more of a scaredy-cat if I'm being honest. A lot like you, actually," you laugh.

"Hey! Who said I'm a scaredy-cat?" James asked indignantly. You just laugh and meet the others in the bottom of the ship.

Ash and Misty looked up at the hull of the ship. "We've gotta get off this ship quick!" Misty pushed.

"Right!" Ash agreed, "Charmander, I choose you!"


"Charmander, we need you to weld through the metal hull of the ship with your flame!"

"Char-char, mander!"

Charmander began to weld a square shape in the hull of the ship. You heard Jessie imitating Ash in a funny voice: "Charmander, I choose you! Oh look at me, I'm so special and amazing, no-one can compare!" You cracked up and Jessie grinned at you.

"Okay, listen up!" Misty commanded, "grab hold of a water Pokémon and swim to the surface!"

"Yeah, right! Got it Ash?" Brock asked.

"I'll be okay with my Squirtle," Ash replied.

"Hey, don't forget about us, what are we supposed to do?" Jessie snapped.

"Just grab a water Pokémon," Misty said impatiently.

"Water Pokémon?!" Meowth panicked.

"It's almost burnt through!" Ash said.

As soon as Ash finished his sentence, the square that Charmander was welding fell off into the ship. Immediately, water whooshed in from the ocean and the water level rose very quickly. Ash tied himself to Squirtle, Brock to Staryu, and Misty to Goldeen.

"So long, Team Rocket!" Ash called, and swam up with the others.

"Hold on, we haven't got the right Pokémon!" Jessie yelled. But they were gone.

"Don't worry," you tell Team Rocket, "go, Milotic, Dragonair!"

Milotic and Dragonair cried out ethereal-sounding calls. Both the Pokémon had serpentine bodies and were very elegant.

"Alright, Jessie and Meowth, you grab onto Milotic. James, you're with me on Dragonair," you order, water level rising.

James reddened, but nodded. Jessie grabbed Meowth and held onto Milotic. Milotic swam up the current and out of the boat. Dragonair flew down to you and James. You stroked Dragonair's head and gently grabbed its neck.

"Hold Dragonair here," you tell James, pointing to the opposite side of Dragonair. You both took a deep breath, and Dragonair flew into the ocean.

As you and James were swimming with Dragonair, you locked eyes. You found yourself giving a small smile to James, and him returning it. Your fingers were just touching his. Dragonair was nearly at the surface. It was a strong swimmer, so it had barely been three seconds.

James's hair looked beautiful in the water, all floaty and shimmering from the sunlight above. It was so peaceful, just being with him and no-one else. You wondered if you would ever have this time with him again. Just as you were lost in thought, James lightly kissed your cheek in the water, just as he did on the St. Anne.

It was going to a very interesting next couple of days.

💜💙 Extending Our Love to the Stars Above 💜💙 [James x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now