The So-Called 'Waiters'

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The minutes went past fairly quickly. You and James hadn't really spoken since you held hands. Suddenly, the door unlocked. James quickly dropped your hand and stood up as Jessie opened the door.

"Fresh air!" James cried, and literally fell out of the room, landing flat on his face.

"Come on, we've got work to do," Jessie snapped, picking him up by the collar of his shirt. 

"Ugh... Jessie, my face hurts," James moaned.

You hurried out of the room before Jessie or Meowth decided to lock you back in there. Team Rocket ran away, and so you decided to regroup with Ash, Misty, and Brock.

"Where were you the whole time?" Misty asked concernedly when you returned, "we were looking for you!"

Suddenly you felt very guilty for getting taken away by Jessie so easily. Maybe you just wanted to see James again? That thought made you feel made you feel worse, it was so selfish.

"Team Rocket took me and locked me in a storage room," you answered truthfully.

"Why? That's so strange," Brock noted.

"Oh, when I went to look for a drink I bumped into James. He was disguised as a waiter. Then he probably told Jessie and she took me away. They said that I was going to tell you guys, and they couldn't endanger their plan," you explain.

"You would tell us, right? It just sounded like you weren't going to," Ash asked doubtfully.

"Oh, yeah, sorry!" you lie quickly, "I was, that just came out wrong. I'm still a bit flustered by what just happened."

Misty nodded understandingly. "Did you say Team Rocket had a plan? We need to find a way off this boat if they do," she suddenly said.

"We can fight 'em off with Pikachu!" Ash grinned.


"The electricity might conduct through the ship and damage the electrical parts of it! We might even sink," Misty whispered fearfully. 

"Oh. I didn't think about that. I wonder how we could sto-

"To protect the world from devastation!"

Everyone looked at Jessie standing on a table. She was wearing a grin, a triumphant grin that told everyone that she was sure Team Rocket would win.

"To unite all peoples within our nation," James said miserably. You covered your mouth in surprise, he had a Band-Aid on his nose from falling over. It was a bit cute.

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above."



"Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!"

"Sigh... surrender now or prepare to fight."

"Meowth, that's right!"

The trio grinned. Jessie outstretched a hand. "Team Rocket will now take possession of your Pokémon!" It was quite the interesting scene. Jessie and Meowth were bursting with confidence, while James didn't even look like he wanted to be there.

"Our Pokémon?"

"They can't take them!"

"Mum, these people won't take my Pidgey, right?"

Out of nowhere, the so-called waiters burst out of their uniforms, revealing Team Rocket grunts. More grunts came out of various hidden parts of the ship, until everyone was swarmed.

"What have they got on their backs?" you ask quickly.

"Alright, everyone! Suck them up, suck them all up!" Jessie announced.

What an odd statement, you thought, but then realised. The things Team Rocket had on their backs were some sort of backpack with a vacuum system. At the tap of a button, they began to collect Pokéballs from their trainers. You quickly grabbed your Pokéballs, they were safer in your hands at any rate. Or were they?

One of your Pokéballs slipped out of your hands. "Milotic!" you gasp, and grasp for the Pokéball while it was still mid-air, but it went to who knows where. You gritted your teeth and put your Pokéballs in your pocket and zipped it up, tight.

"Give me your Pokémon," a grunt ordered. Ash, Misty, and Brock all said, 'No way!'

"Sure, they're in my hand," you say.

"Well give them to me then," the grunt ordered.

"Fine," you say, and punch the grunt right in the face. Your blow landed, surprisingly.

"Woah, that was awesome!" Ash grinned.

"I've never punched anyone before," you laugh, "but it was fun!"

"Y/n, watch out!" Misty gasped, and pointed behind you.

You spun around to see James, standing behind you. He still had his little Band-Aid on his nose, which you thought was cute.

"I believe this is yours?" James inquired, holding out a Pokéball. You took it in surprise.

"Milotic!" you gasp, "th-thank you! I don't understand why you'd give it back, you're not on my side! Aren't you all trying to steal our Pokémon?"

"Well, I am trying to steal Pokémon," James smiled, "but not yours." He kissed you on the cheek, then swiftly walked past you, presumably to Jessie and Meowth. Ash, Misty, and Brock's jaws all dropped. You felt your face heat up very fast.

"What was that about?" Ash said, almost yelling.

"I-I don't know," you answer truthfully, still blushing and very surprised. But still, you were very happy, and had to suppress the urge to smile.

💜💙 Extending Our Love to the Stars Above 💜💙 [James x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now