Scott McCall's sister

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Me and my friends were just sitting on the couch talking about how we can defeat Kate Argent and Gerard , werewolf hunters who want to kill me and my friends, but mostly me because I am the true Alpha. We also have to deal with a new enemy who looks exactly like Stiles, a nogitsune called Void. I thought Gerard and Kate were more important so we kept Void to the side for now.

We were debating on how attack them without them expecting it.
Stiles exclaimed,
" How are we going to attack them when they are always 2 steps ahead of us?"
Lydia and Malia agreed with Stiles. I knew Stiles was right but I want to fight back for the safety of my pack.

I sat there in silence for a few seconds thinking of how we can attack Gerard and Kate when they least expect it. Gerard and Kate were clever werewolf hunters. They always are 2 steps ahead and always know how to attack when we least expect it.

Every time I think we beat them, we didn't. They beat us. I was trying to think how Gerard thinks.
I finally spoke up,
" We need a back up plan. If anything goes wrong we have a plan B,"
Stiles commented sarcastically,
" Oh that's great, I would love to have my ass kicked by not 1 but 2 werewolf hunters. Just to remind you that I'm human right. I don't have weird healing abilities or glowing eyes."

Stiles has a point, but if we are fighting someone like Gerard and Kate we have to have a plan B. We all discussed the plan. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I went over to the door and opened it. I couldn't believe who it was. My jaw dropped and I froze.
I stuttered,
" Y/n?, "

Y/n's POV:

I got out of my car with a smile. I was stood and looked at Scott's house. I felt excited and nervous at the same time. I haven't seen him for 6 years now. I am now 16 years old.

I got my suitcase out of my car boot and slowly walked up to the entrance. As I walk up the entrance I began to remember all the memories me and Scott had when we were little.

When I stole his hair gel and hid it because he loved his hair, when me, Scott, Stiles, and Melissa were having water fights on the front yard.

I stopped at the door and took a deep breath trying to wash all my nerves away. I hesitated about just walking in or knocking. It still is my house but because I haven't been in here for 6 years I decided to knock.

I finally knocked and waited for an answer. Suddenly, the door opened and saw my brother again. I could tell he was shocked because of his facial expression.
I greeted nervously,
" hey, Scott. Miss me?

" Y/n?,"

" Can I come in? "

Scott welcomed me in. I walked into the house and looked around. It's been so long since I have been here. Ever since I broke my leg, the injury was nearly permanent, by accident my Dad didn't trust my Mum with me and Scott. So, my Dad took me away from them, that was the last time I saw Scott.

I looked at Scott's friends who looked confused even Stiles. I could tell that was Stiles straight away because nothing has changed about him. He dresses the same and basically looks the same. It took a few seconds for him to realise it's me.

He jumped up and hugged me straight away,
" Omg, Y/n!!,"
I laughed at him because it took so long for him to recognise me,
" Hey Stiles,"

We looked at his friends because they have a confused look on their face. I looked at Scott giving him a ' are you going to introduce me' look. He realised what I was trying to tell him.
He introduced,
" Everyone this is Y/n, my sister, "
Everyone looked at each other still in confusion.
Lydia asked with a confused facial expression,
" Why didn't you tell us you had a sister Scott? "

All attention went onto Scott for him to answer. Honestly, if I was the one to answer I wouldn't know what to say either. He scratched his head in awkwardness,
" it's complicated. Let's just say parent drama,"

A girl with long, wavy ginger hair walked up to her and held out her hand to shake. She wore a dark blue summer dress with flowers on.
" I'm Lydia and you will be our new best friend,"
I was confused when she said ' our ' and looked over at 2 other girls.

I shaked her hand and something was off about her.

Lydia pointed to a girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes.
" That's Allison",

She introduced everyone and Kayla went upstairs to her old room. I looked around in disgust because it was pink and had butterfly's on the wall. This was my childhood bedroom still. There was a little bed at the side of the room with a pink bedding.

Scott came up to my room and laughed at my reaction.
Scott chuckled,
" You have been gone for 6 years remember. Mum didn't want to change the room because she said it reminds her of you. She misses you. If you want to see her she is at the hospital. "
I smiled,
" I'll meet her now then,"

I hopped in my car excited abandoning my stuff in my bedroom. I was again nervous and excited. I arrived at the hospital and walked in with my hands in my jacket pockets nervously. I went to a nurse behind the front counter and asked for Melissa McCall.

The nurse left to get her. A few minutes later, my mum walked around the corner and froze at the sight of me here. Tears began to fill our eyes and before I could speak she ran up to me and hugged me tight.
She sobbed,
" Y -Y/n? , you're actually here after 6 years,"
She was hugging me that hard I couldn't breathe,
" M-Mum can I-I can't breathe,"
She knew what she was doing and instantly let go,
"Sorry, I have just missed you so much, "

Me and Mum talked for 10 - 15 mins until she had to go to do another surgery. I hugged her goodbye and went back to the house. I bought some dark grey paint and a double bed, I had more money than Scott because my dad gives me money every week and I save it.

After a few hours my room was done, I had dark grey walls with a double bed. It had a black bedding with fake vines above the bed with some little lights. At the left side of the room was my makeup desk that I bought too.

I went downstairs to talk to Scott'a friends.
Lydia asked,
" Are you coming to Beacon Hills High school?"
I didn't know how to answer that but I am still 16 and I do need to educate because it's part of life.
I replied with a smile,
" Now that you mentioned It, I will see you tomorrow at school, "

As I went upstairs I heard a comment from Stiles that I never expected to hear in my life.
Stiles whispered to Scott,
" You're sister is HOT,"

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