The kiss

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I arrived at the supermarket and I bought lots of simple things like plants, blankets etc. I might of even bought a wardrobe for me and Void.

I went home to see Void wasn't there, he has eaten all of his pizza. I got out the stuff and placed them everywhere. I got out new drawers to put in the corner of the living room, I placed the plant on top with a picture frame.

Then I built the massive wardrobe which took 30 mins to build and put it in the corner of the room across from the bed. I might of bought Void and I some new clothes to put in there to.

I got out more picture frames and hung them on the wall, there wasn't any pictures to put in, yet. I folded the new blanket and put it on the sofa arm.

Then I went back to the bedroom and changed the bedding to a black duvet and a black and white blanket at the bottom.

I placed a grey rug on the floor in between the sofa and the fireplace to add more decoration. I also bought some extra accessories for the bathroom like soap, shampoo etc.

After the house looked completely different I sat on the sofa and began to draw. I am secretly an artist and I made the spear room an art room for me to draw in. I bought lots of canvases all different sizes and had a big drawer with neatly stacked paints in.

On the other side of the room was a little desk for me to draw portraits on. My art stuff like pencils, watercolour pencils, etc were neatly stacked on shelves on the wall that I put up.

The cabin looked nicer. I cleaned the windows and added blinds and curtains just to get a bit of sunshine in. Void wanted the windows blurry so no one could see inside, that's why I added blinds.

I started to paint New York City and I had music blasting. Suddenly, Void came home without me realising and I kept painting.

He came in and saw me dancing around whilst painting. He sighed and turned the music off.
I turned around realising who it was.

" Void! Hi! I didn't know you came home,"

" What have you done with the place?,"

" Umm I sort of added stuff to the cabin, it was plain and boring so I decided to give it a makeover besides I think it looks great."

Void rolled his eyes and walked away. I tidied all my art stuff away and decided to finish it tomorrow. I washed my hands in the kitchen and did the dishes.

I sat down on the sofa and cuddled with Void. He looked down at me and saw me resting my eyes.

" What are you doing?,"

I replied,
" Cuddling, it's what humans do when they're tired, besides you do good cuddles,"

Void wrapped his hands around me and increased the hug. I led my head on his chest and his arm was stroking my back.

I began to fall asleep and so did he. A few hours later, I woke up to us cuddling on the sofa together. I smiled because I knew I was catching feelings for him.

He woke up and cuddled me even more. After a few more cuddles, we both got up and made tea. I always wonder what the pack is thinking of me being missing for 4 days and how they're going to kill Void.

" How are the pack going to kill you?,"

" I don't know, but they will fail because I already know what they're planning,"

" How?,"

Void sighed,
" I spy on their conversations, they want to stab me in the heart,"

No, I can't let them do that. Void isn't evil in my eyes, in my eyes he's a caring and sweet guy.

" I'm not going to let that happen to you,"

Void looked at me and smirked,
" And why is that?,"

" Because I've seen the soft side of you, I know you're not evil as you say you're. The pack think of you as a cold hearted villain but I see you as a caring and sweet guy,"

Suddenly, I felt his lips crash against mine. He put one hand on my cheek and the other on my waist. He is a really good kisser and I wanted this to last forever. We both pulled away and looked at each other.

Void looked away and stuttered,
" I - I'm sorry I shouldn't of -,"

I lightly lifted his chin up with my index finger making him look at me and kissed him again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist.

He began to climb on top of me without breaking the kiss.

They did it, I don't want to go into to much detail.

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