The bite

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Void's POV:

All the nurses came rushing in and kept giving her CPR. I knew what was happening but I didn't want to believe it. I tried to fight my tears and I helped them do CPR.

We all kept glancing at the monitor and back at Y/n to check if there was any sign of life, but there wasn't.

I told Melissa to ring Scott and the pack to try one more thing that might work.

A few minutes later, Scott and the pack rushed in the room and saw Y/n's lifeless body on the bed. Scott looked at me with anger but decided to ignore it because her sister is close to death.

I demanded,
" Scott, bite her,"

" What?! No that could kill her!,"

I rolled my eyes,n n
" Scott she is already dying, now do something about it!,"

Scott's POV:

I didn't know what to do. Either kill Void on the spot or bite my sister. I was about to kill Void but I looked at the pack first.

Their expressions on their faces changed my mind because of how worried they look. Stiles ran out of the room to cause a distraction saw the nurses in the room don't know about the bite.

After the nurses left, except Melissa, I bit her on the wrist. We all stared at the monitor to see if her heart began to beat, there was no sign.

Stiles dropped a tear and Melissa broke down. My heart dropped because I have just killed my own sister.

Void's POV:

My heart dropped at the sight and thought  of Y/n dead. I never knew I was capable of falling in love with someone.

Suddenly, a beep broke the silence from the monitor which got all of our attention. We stared at the monitor for another beep and eventually the beeping increased.

My heart felt free and happy, I love her too much for her to die on me. I rushed over to her and held her face in my palms.
" c'mon Y/n wake up for me, wake up please!,"

Y/n's POV/

Everything was black but I could hear faint voices, I could tell it was Void. As I woke up I felt different, it's hard to explain.

I put my hand on my head because of the terrible headache I had. I looked around me and saw the pack and Void in tears, including my Mother.

" Is everything okay?,"
I asked with a concerned look. I looked at Void who has a worried look on his face.

" Take a look for yourself,"
Scott said with a worried look. He gave me a little mirror from Melissa's makeup bag and I looked at my reflection.

My eyes were glowing blue, a tear rolled down my cheek and I looked at Scott.
" Y-You bit me, didn't you?,"

Scott nodded and my heart fell. I looked at him with a mixture of anger and sadness. I gritted my teeth with a tear down my cheek.
" Get. Out!,"

Scott looked up and began to speak,
" " Y/n I'm sorry -,"

I interrupted him because I couldn't believe what he did to me. I yelled this so loud that my voice filled the room. Luckily, nobody outside heard me or didn't really care.

" Scott get out! You try to hurt Void when I told you not to! You got me hit by a car because I didn't listen, and now you turned me into a werewolf!
You are no longer a brother to me,"

I got up like nothing happened to me and grabbed my stuff. Void was supporting me just in case I fall. I packed my stuff and signed myself out of the hospital. I hugged my mum goodbye and left without saying a word to Scott.

Me and Void reached the cabin and I froze on the spot trying to process what just happened after Void closed the door.
" Y/n are you alright?,"
Void asked in a worried tone.

He walked towards me and tears fell down my cheeks. I was that weak and vulnerable of sadness my knees gave up and I fell to the floor. I started crying my eyes out into Void's chest.

I finally got my brother back only to find out he chose to kill someone over me. Void made me feel safe and protected, I loved him too much.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer increasing the hug. He picked me up bridal style and headed to the bedroom to place me on the bed.

He tucked me into the covers and kissed me on the forehead. He was about to leave but is stopped him.
" Please can you stay?,"

He nodded and got into bed with me. He wrapped his arms around me like a big teddy bear and I soon fell asleep. I love you Void.

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