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Media: Assassin's Creed 2- Ezio's Family

This isn't something I've done before.

Dedicated to the lovely Beebs, aka labeebakay, the maknae of the squad


The most respected and revered in the land of Glamaia are the knights.

Every Glamian child goes to bed only after listening in wonder to tale after tale of the epic journey of a knight, squealing in delight when the knight successfully lodges their sword between the scales of a dragon, effortlessly killing them, when they singlehandedly fight a war and come out unscathed, when they fall on top of a blade before it can slit their lovely princess's throat. All of these stories, few in a land of many, sang praises to the protectors of the land.

Little boys and girls grew up with aspirations to become the heroes all knights are, learning the art of swordplay, archery, glaveplay, and more. Others who strive to be the damsels in distress pine over their embroidery, casting coquettish smiles at the most famous and high ranking of knights, regardless of their martial status. It was no secret that knights were celebrated in Glamaia, and for good reasons so.

Ever need someone to kill the ghoul terrorising a village? Get a knight.

A fire spirit is burning down your home? Don't worry, our regal knights will save your house from ashes.

Ball caught in the enchanted fence of a witches home? Never fear, Glamaian knights are here!

There are holidays such Hundreds Day. A day celebrating the victory of Sir Drunmel Hargrove, in the eighteenth year of the reign of the fourth king Vladimir Ulych de Gervais, during the first War of Klyn.

Yet another day for knights is Cleavers Day, commemorating how the royal butcher in the fourtieth year of the reign of the nineteenth king had saved the crown Prince from an assassination attempt by a group of rebels, with his cleaver.

And there are so many more days. And so many stories boasting of the bravery and intelligence, willingness and determination, handsome features and charisma, being said every time of the day.

But wait-- can I make one amendment to all that?

Knights may be respected, strong, and loved.....but terribly stupid.

They are arrogant men, occassionally women, raised at a pedestal merely from the conduct of their predecessors. Some of them may have been trained to be the best in every field of weaponry and tactics, but they've never put them to practice. With their helmets with the black and gold colours of the Glamaian Military and their bronze casted armour not a speck of dust from the dangers of war ever graced their figures and hopefully wouldn't for a very long time.

No one likes war anyway.

If word got out that the fourth princess of Glamaia thought that the nation's finest were the idiotic lot she has had the knowledge of knowing, I am completely positive that there would be a national outrage.

But, my words aren't without evidence.

Because the dumbest of the knights in my own personal squadron did something that, and had I been a lesser woman, I'd have hollered it out to the gossip hungry masses in glee.

👑 👑 👑

My name is Demetria Mila de Gervais, the fourth princess of Glamaia.

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