Chapter 1: Part 3

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They rode their way to the Castle where the dragon resides, the building looks overgrown with vines and plants surround the outer walls and beautiful flowers neatly lined up on a pathway and moss hanging from a tall Cypress Tree makes the castle looking more enchanting and magical as the tree drapes over the castle they walked inside and Brian closed the doors. "Alright Miss Evangeline youre gonna be here for a while but before i show you to your room let's visit Nicolas first shall we?" Evangeline smiled and nodded "of course let's go cant keep him waiting". They headed upstairs to the bedroom where Nicolas resides Brian opened the door and there he lays in bed shirtless his tan skin all sweaty from the illness, his bisceps are big indicating he's been working out, six pack abs with sweat dripping down Evangeline stood there in awe of how handsome the man is she approached him ignoring Brian's warning not to. She wanted to touch him to see how his fever is. She went to touch his forehead when she felt him grabbed her hand. Startled by the grab she looked at him and he had beautiful glowing amber eyes like any dragon would and he stared into her beautiful blue eyes you can hear him making a low gutteral purring sound then he spoke in a deep southern accent "what do I owe a visit from a vampire like you ma'am?"

Evangeline blushed a bit and smiled "I'm sorry for waking you and im here to help you with your sickness" he stared at her as he slowly lets go of her hand and let out a gentle sigh "I see, I'm sorry about the hand grabbing I don't really like being touched unless I trust you. I didnt hurt you did I?" He softly spoke. She shook her head "oh no you didn't you were rather gentle" he smiled "good good just making sure, sometimes I have a habit of squeezing for some reason. Might have to do with my illness." Evangeline nodded "yes of course i need to feel your forehead to check your fever if you'll let me mister" he nodded and let's her touch her forehead "call me Nicolas ma'am" Eva smiled "Alright then you definitely have a fever alright whew I'm gonna whip up a potion that might help" he chuckled "Well then I wish you luck princess" he smirks

"I'm not a bloody princess" she pouts and goes to get the ingredients for the potion. Nicolas chuckles shaking his head amused

Her Dragon Cowboy His Vampire PrincessDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora